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Everything posted by GirlWithHorns

  1. who wants to be the president of a website? i mean come onn
  2. we are goin out thursday night too. are you camping on the back?
  3. im glad that we wont be the only ones at Amargosa :] im gonna go trick or treating i think i'll be a deer
  4. "YOUR MOM GOES TO COLLEGE!" ok thats enough napolean lol
  5. yeaa joe dirt life's a garden, DIG IT
  6. why does everyone hate them. i love ours its so much fun
  7. MY absolute favorite Mitch Hedberg joke is the "My apartment is infested with koala bears"
  8. awesome video, but it makes me wanna go race
  9. me too gotta think outta the box ya knoww
  10. that just sounds dangerous
  11. OKAY I only got a few but oh well.. Sandrail Wheelie BBQ trailer? Dunes Dog on the Dunes Wounded Dolphin..HAHAHAHA
  12. ...the "white and nerdy " song DUH
  13. Wait.. how do you know how its gonna sound, just by lookin at it??
  14. OH MY GOSH!! hahahahahahahahaha i don't think ive ever laughed so hard in my life! Nice language mom
  15. hmm, i don't even know what to say to that one
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