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Everything posted by GirlWithHorns

  1. whoaaa. there's already a sh*t talk thread. and plus :eatdrink021: <----FOR LIFE haha
  2. :eatdrink021: sorry i thought that was funny hahaha . Silly.
  3. Then id be gangsterr FOR SURE. what if i didnt have horns on my helmet?
  4. Here's a few more pictures... The New Helmet. My Dad and His Friend. Me and My Friends in the Rhino. The Camping Area . I Though This Was a Lifted Station Wagon , but my Mom Informed me it was a Jeep.
  5. wrong.. we cant go in the sand very much we get stuckk. but it sure looks cool
  6. i dont think they did. there both a little
  7. Mine burnt a hole right through my riding pants and melts my boots. there hottt
  8. We go through Baker with this bad boy..
  9. OHH YEAA . i wouldnt like it any other way. haha im actually kinda fast out there
  10. i dunno. i have cams,pipe,full jet and a lightened flywheel on my YFZ and PaulyPaul on his Suzuki 450 beat me BADD
  11. Me three. look for the rig we practically live at amargosa during dune season.
  12. what does resurrecting mean?
  13. who knew dumont and rice krispes had so much in common
  14. ya hear that dan!! you flashlight stealer
  15. we went to dumont like 10 times this season , but we go to Amargosa like friggin 30 times .
  16. whenever we call they get to us within a few days. i wonder whats upp with thatt
  17. i would but they won't hold still
  18. if you want haha. i wanted to put a bigger "rack" on my helmet but i think it might be too top heavy
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