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Everything posted by GirlWithHorns

  1. yea we got a semi...haha what do you wanna know about it?
  2. sorry thats one girl i absolutely despsise
  3. nice? HAHAHA yea right and easy on the eyes? i guess if you like fake trashy ugly slutty women and i am not even close to jealous of that ..thing.
  4. please don't encourage him to be faster
  5. your not very nice! put yourself in his shoes
  6. hey whats that supposed to mean lol. i pay for my own insurance and gas
  7. yea he always gives me a hard time.thank you.
  8. wow my mom doesnt let anyone ride in my jeep
  9. wow thats crazy . he's one of our really good friends my mom wants to know if you know where we could geta custom canvas top to fit over the light bar?
  10. haha i know i drive like a busted a$$. what school does your son go to?
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