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Everything posted by GirlWithHorns

  1. im down. pool party at Semper Fi Woody's!!
  2. we were going to the lake almost everyday and my bikes are still jetted for 5000ft and my dad didnt wanna go. next time for sure though. even if i have to go by myself
  3. thank you ill ask him & get backk to you
  4. My neighbor had this flag made for me because i love Amargosa so much.
  5. you will see pics of the new boat tomorrow evening. were taking it out tomorrow
  6. work for a while. then i want to start school in january(cosmetology school that is)
  7. yesterday it was so fun & sad. heres some pics. we had a photo opp in the bathroom backstage haha friends.. my cake hahaha and my diploma & tomorrow me and the rents leave for Little Sahara for 5 days then back home and lake time with the new boat!
  8. i think i might show up and cruise some sand with my quadricycles.
  9. that counts you out right craig ? i kid
  10. wtf hahahaha. i don't get it
  11. thanks ladies and gentledudes. :no_no:
  12. i do loooveee goooolllldddd. hey its new to me punkass. 11 year upgrade. i can dig it
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