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Everything posted by jalper

  1. until

    See you there
  2. Had a great time hanging out with everyone, was fun to see all the buggies and fellow duners, Broke a hub, self-inflicted, two lug nuts where loose, everyone pitch in to get the car out of there, amazing, big thanks to Josh for the trailer, was a big help, rolled the car over at walking speed, went to cross over and was steep, the rear tire slid in a hole and caught the hole, then went over, Mark and Jared made it, unfortunately Josh got the same hole and flipped over in front of me. that will be a good story later. thanks again Pete, always a great time.
  3. Heading out Tuesday late around 6pm if anyone needs anything
  4. Caltrans Mobile QuickMap shows the road closed but was going to drive it the first week of oct
  5. So on weeks his is the same front end, the Front is a dunebuggy.com sold by Tabzone, weeks we where doing the same front to his stevenson offroad chassis and then talked Dave at DD to use it on one of his cars, My front end is different mine has more flat plate, where the tabzone has more tube to hold it together both great front ends, It will be a more beef cake when it is done,
  6. Thanks for sharing, only 6-7 weeks till the holiday, will be interesting,
  7. Now lets start cutting away the front,
  8. Last Halloween Mark had a SXS turn in front of him, The FP front end had a lot of tube in it, but the connection points where far and few, so when he got hit, the front end just moved over, The best, was to put on a new front end that was stronger, Below are some pics of the process,
  9. jalper


    do a 9'' Kennedy stage 3 or a 2, I can get you the discs or Kartek typically has them, if you have a 9'' already you can send them in to repuck them,
  10. me and Ilogian Was going to have some wood delivered Friday from Lenard in Pahrump
  11. until

    Last year got there on Tuesday, going to try the same this year, latest will be Wednesday,
  12. Was a relaxing week for us, mostly chilled and watch the carnage happen,
  13. it was amazing, feels like half the trip is cut out lol
  14. Lippert Ground Control, Full Unit all the wiring for 6 point, 2 front jacks 2 rear jacks 2 center jacks main master control full function, all wiring for plug and play, rear sensor with wiring this works with your phone with the lippert app front jacks use same mount as all electric jacks, rear and middle jacks will need mounts or if you trailer was built past 2016 it should have the mounts on the chassis, Dumont members $1600.
  15. Yes the dates are wrong, they are for last year, but at checkout it shows this and next year,
  16. Thank you tried to purchase online and yes the date is from 2021
  17. This is the first time purchasing a pass on line, Do they send one in the mail, at check out now shows print your pass, I have a feeling i am not going to get a window hanger, did not really want a paper pass, Anyone have to deal with this
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