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Everything posted by jalper

  1. what I was trying to say was. He was 12 feet away from the entrance at 8:30 at night, at the most crowded part of the night almost hit my f-in truck with my 9 month daughter in it, i was at the wreck before the ranger, if he was not hurt, I was going to kill Him! I have been going to Dumont for 34 years and he should have not been traveling at the speed at that area. When I came around the turn all you could see was the wind shield broke out and some women standing there missing a shoe, then a ranger on a quad showed up. What was he thinking?
  2. He was 12 feet away from the entrance at 8:30 at night, at the most crowded part of the night almost hit my f-in truck with my 9 month daughter in it, i was at the wreck before the ranger, if he was not hurt, I was going to kill Him! I have been going to Dumont for 34 years and he should have not been traveling at the speed at that area.
  3. I am glad he wrecked his car just before we left comp hill, why was he traveling so fast at the entrance, if he did not sail over to the right, would he have killed someone on a quad or a bike, if he would have gone in the center of the entrance. Hope he is ok, but he could of hurt a lot more people.
  4. That bill is great, now we can stop sending are money to California, lets Keep it our own state.
  5. That bill is great, now we can stop sending are money to California, lets Keep it our own state.
  6. This the story from Jim the driver. He said that he thought he was going to fast, so he let off the throtle, when he was in the air he thougt to himself my car is F*&ked. From what Jim said is that it hit nose first fliped all theway over then hit the rear. He was saying when he got out him was so disorentated that all he said was has anyone seen my ipod. Good thing he is O.K.
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