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Everything posted by che che DD
Welcome to the site Steph you will enjoy it here.... Im working on St A.
ok yaaayyyy I love that place I want to go back. I havnt been in two years
You look purdy Jodi!!!!! oh ok you do too mike . nice pics fo sho
Well I have been a mamber of both ddr and dd.com for a while now. I have met lots of new friends on both sites. I havnt been on dd.com lately because I was dating the guy who runs it and we broke up. Lastnight i decide to catch up a little on things so I go on the site . I chat for a few in the chat box with a friend of mine and I woke up today to see two of the members one happenes to be his sister clear as day talking sh*t about me . I dont think this is right. It has been difficult enough to me to get through this break up then to be talked about on a site like that. I will never go back to that site. I am not saying I have not made bad choices but so has everyone else. I am not oing to talk bad about any of them because I would only be bringing myself down to thier immiture leval. I though we were here to chat about good times and the dunes? Lesson learned . Just a heads up I am not even going to say names because I want to be the better person . just fyi if you go over there dont give your oppinion because if it doesnt match a certain someone then you get erased or suspended. Thanks for letting me vent sorry about the spelling errors no spell check here...lol
Oh yea I remember now duh... Well im trying to talk the girls into it but they arent buysin it. They want to go to the movies and see some kid flick
fk Mike I will move with ya Jdi I love that plae. First sand dunes I ever been to.... (just kidding mike)
He has Kayla I just text him...
Hey Jodi I was looking for something to do with my girls saturday and might just take them there. Might be fun. Text me if you go
Shoulder pads and they are making a come back. What is so attractive about a woman looking like a damn football player??? I still love cupcakes !!!!!!
Didnt even know they were coming. I love pennywise. how much for the tickets I wanna go waaa
Ha Ha Pete doesnt know his beer!!!!! Ladies???? Im a lady but only on blue moons....lmao
O got 4 out of 6 myself . 6 pack sh*t this b*tch can haul a 30 pack. Those ladies in the 40's were week. Did woman not drnk beer then or what?
I love duck creak !! That place is awesome. I went there with my ex for a week just the two of us and we never got bored one . Just enjoyed the outdoors !
Nice!!! That thing looks sick...
I love this place... We are heading out June 30th for 5 or 6 days.. I cant wait. Except that Im not looking forward to the drive. At least gas isnt 5 bucks a gallon like last summer...
Nice pics Becky... It was a beautiful day thanks for the invite....
I agree it is much better to keep it positive... I feel much better for now... Sorry to hear about that cheese. You should start carrying a bottle of Lysol so you can douse stupid stinky people like that lol
We need a rant section... I am about to jump through my skin right now. I just don't understand how some people can be so immature and get into other peoples business...
Holy sh*t We have a black president???? :B ha ha jk
Oh my bad I got a little carried away..... but come on socks with flip flops?
People who cant keep their nose in their own back yard People who cheat I hate hate hate cheaters people who judge you without even knowing you banana laffy taffy :mischevious: people who wear socks with flip flops guys who shave their whole bodies thats gay people who do any harm to children in any way i will bust a cap people who come here and dont speak our language and expect us to learn theirs people who pic off their topping on pizza I love cup cakes also and jello shots and suck and blos and parsley
EXACTLEY!!!!!! but have no fear I did a super job ... My jaw is still in tact :mischevious:
Ok I really dont get how these people let thier teenage boys walk around with girl cloths on and a girl hair cut. Take controle of your kids get the clippers out and shave the bastards head in his sleep.... I hate the whole you want your cake and eat it too. Who the fk doesnt want to eat cake????? :mischevious: oh and grown ups riding bikes to small for them lololol jk
We are leaving friday and coming back sunday... If you guys go out, Look for Rich's big blue chevy and come say hi and go for a ride!!!!
We are hitting up Logandale this weekend.....