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che che DD

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Everything posted by che che DD

  1. We aren't that bad... Despite what they say... Acually you might want to stay away cause you might all just have a good time and enjoy us!!!!!!
  2. We are gonna have to try that fuzzy duck around the camp fire one night
  3. f*ckin a... I'm gonna go get 7 eggs fertilized so I can cash in on that sh*t!!!!!!
  4. well I'm not sure about the horse back riding but i am down for a day ride.. I still haven't been to logandale trails and I'm about to jump out of my skin i want to go so bad.... Maybe we can plan a day trip kinda like a girls day..... I need some estrogen in my system yo
  5. Sounds like a plan... pick a date.. I will do my best to be there
  6. Will electrical tape do?????
  7. yea it was at the races in adalanto last weekend...
  8. here is a pic of brit playing lastweekend...
  9. I would like to add. I hope that whoever was playing beerbong lastweekend didnt go drive after that......
  10. holly sh*t.... I was trying to invite all you f*ckers to our camp for some beers and laughs.... You really threw that out there i hope you dont get on your quad..... Im 29 years old I know when im capable of driving my quad... Who the hell said anything about anyone driving anything.... I should say I hope noone went and drove after playing beer pong...duh.. but that would be a stupid thing to say..... :dance: :chug: :drunk2:
  11. We will be heading out to Little Sahara that week.... Its supposed to be the best weekend out there!!!
  12. because its a fun game to play and watch yo
  13. hmmmm prizes... for sure we will have one male and one female winner. not sure what but i will be sure to think of something good.... Yea the point is to drink it fast.....
  14. really??? you tape two f*cking bottle of beer to your hands( edward 40 hands) along with everyone else.... then the first person who consumes all 80 oz. of beer without throwing up aka puking, hurling, blow chunks ... WINS
  15. oh my bad...ok so you tape a 40 to each hand and you cant take them off your hands till you drink both 40s... Its funny imagine having to go pee or do anything....the first to finish both 40s without puking wins..
  16. We will be there for sure... I never turn down a free meal. ok ok I will do some cleaning too....
  17. This game is all new to me. I watched Brit play it this weekend against one other dude and it was funny as hel! SO I'm thinking lets get all of us f<ckers to do it. It should be some funny a$$ sh!t the more the better .... Bring two 40 of whatever beer you drink... I'm thinking girls should go with 22s... We will designate one person to be the piss person, just in case you need help getting those britches down.. Let me know what you f<ckers think and I will get on it k...... Clean up weekend......
  18. I'm not sure what the place is called but its on the way to Red Rock its on the left hand side after you get out of town before Red Rock.. I'm not sure if that helps you out... Let me know maybe we can plan a day out of it... Pack a lunch and some beers and ride in the west like cowboys yeee hawwwww!!!! except on a horse....
  19. Ha ha ha thats funny.. Kinda true fo sho!!!
  20. Bonnie springs is a must... I have been going there since I was a little girl and I still enjoy going there. They have yummmy burgers and they have a bar if you want to grab a beer too!!!! You can do horseback riding there but I would recommend the place on the Way to Red Rock they go on a way cool ride !!!! Lake Mead has some pretty cool things too oh and Lake Las Vegas is a good place......
  21. Funny you say that cause Im cleaning the dam trailer as we speak..(well im taking a brek for lunch)
  22. LOL yea thats funny... Kinda hard to miss his truck... We will be out for clean up weekend so we will all have to have some then :moon: :ogp:
  23. Had a blast this weekend... I f*cking missed the meet and greet AGAIN.... But Glad I finally got to meet some of you though... Monkey you didnt come get me dammit!!!!! I didnt know where you guys were camped... :moon: I wanted to come over and
  24. Im taking my first trip this Easter I can't wait... Everyone says that place is bad a$$.....
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