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che che DD

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Everything posted by che che DD

  1. Much better Thanx!!!! Yea he has been around... lol!!! Im sure there are a few peeps that do on here!!!! lol See you all this weekend!!!!
  2. I will be there!!! We will be by bathroom 6 also.... Got a present this week!!! New graphics for my bike... She is a beauty now!!!!! chegraphics.bmp
  3. I hear the lady on that... I wouldnt want to ride a 700 to big....I love my 450 ... She will love it... Thats so sweet..
  4. H Ha see I told you that deer would be a hit!!! Yea I liked the place myself they had bomb a$$ beans I would eat there again fo sho
  5. You guys are so cute... looks like you had a blast!!!! happy New Year
  6. Do I dare to ask why? :ah: thanx for the warning Chris
  7. O.K. I know lee canyon isnt as cool as big bear or brian head but its close and they have great snow right now. I want to take a day trip up there. I thought it would be cool if we could make a ddr ski day... Anyone intrested?
  8. I can't believe how many thieves there are out there ... From purses to sand rails.. I always teach my girls that if they find something it doesn't mean its theirs to turn it in maybe someone lost it and misses it very much.. CARMA you know.... perfect example Went to disneyland and my oldest found a pair of sunglasses and I walked her to security so we could turn them in, not three hours later my oldest lost her purse with her disney bucks in it, once again I walked her to security and someone had turned it in with nothing missing... These people will get what coming to them sorry to hear about it all
  9. Wow this is crazy people are just wron. Good luck guys.. These people arent gonna be able to drive these things anywhere cause everyone is gonna be on the look out...
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fivI06ejSHA wait till you see the last guy lmao
  11. I am not busy during the day so if you need a co pilot for the drive Im down...
  12. nevermind i just read it again... he sounds just like you dammit dam brits...lol just jokin
  13. ha ha ha im a little confused dont crash dont crash that was you right brit? Crazy bastards dont drink and drive
  14. Wow I have the chills reading this Im so sorry.. god bless you guys! Thank God you and your family made it out alive !! Sorry to hear about the doggies too :-( I will see what I can come up with too!!
  15. dam oboma makes one ugly woman :xmas7: :argue: :xmas8:
  16. hey guys sorry it took so long for the update. Zues the driver and owner of the rail had surgery on his knee the night they went to the hospital and the passinger has a broken finger.. Other than that I think they are both O.K
  17. NO CLUE maybe go visits some friends in cali...
  18. I guess this is true I too have gained things in 08 but also i have lost things too.. I got my bike A.K.A. Crash this year, I met a lot of cool a$$ new friends and I got over something I never though I would get over EVER!! So I'm seeing the bright side yo!!!! Thanx Ya'll
  19. Dam I want to go ride in th snow!!!!
  20. Me wont be there..:-( shooting for mlk
  21. Dam thats bad a$$ good luck hope they dont shut you down ROCK ON
  22. Nice. I hope it comes this way the kids dont have school today we can go out and play...
  23. My year wasnt that bad ( went to a few new dunes bad a$$)just not that great at the end and that was what the lady had said... oops left that out,,, I think 09 will be bitchen its an odd number something with odd numbers.. im gonna google and get back on this :B
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