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che che DD

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Everything posted by che che DD

  1. I took my first trip to St. Anthony last summer for forth of July.. It was stellar!!! Beautiful dunes nice hills nice bowls there are a couple little lakes right in the middle of the dunes so bad a$$..... They are a little strict on the camp no music after 10 but I will be going back for sure.... Haven't been to little Sahara I'm going for Easter I think but I hear it rocks!!
  2. I was talking to a friend recently about how I cant wait for 2009 to start, I told her I felt like I was walking around all 08 with a black cloud over me and she proceeded to tell me about how the chinese think 8 it a very unlucky number and that has a lot to do with the year( there was a lot more detail to it i just put it in a nut shell)... Now at first I thought this was a bunch of bull honky then I sat and though about it and I'm gonna go ahead and blame the sh*t on the year......lol Anyhow I hope 2009 will be a much better year I know I will be making a lot more better choices and decisions as I start my 29th year living and the the year 2009!!!!
  3. Jeff is the guy in all those pics silly, He likes feet!!
  4. Ha Ha thats funny thats my old hooka...... Happy belated B-day Jeff....
  5. I didn't see it happen but I went to the site and saw them tow the car out . It was only Zues's forth trip out with the car.. Sucks bad a$$ car. Good news they are alive. His friend broke his finger and he busted his knee up bad not sure how bad will let yall know when I find out.
  6. Wait me confused???? Me bike Honda and stock me go fast fast brum brum through the dunes!!!
  7. No one was going up comp the whole dam weekend... Didnt see many cars race up the hill much at all if any all weekend... The drags were bad a$$ though!!!!!!!
  8. Ended up making it out there last minute and let me tell you sometimes thats the best. It was beautiful weather and the dunes rocked a little rough but no razers at all... Nice.... Great camp thanks guys!! It was great to see all you guys I saw out there I havnt seen in a while you know who you are... Crazy Mary!!!! See you all next time... :freakin_nuts:
  9. Yep Yep Yep thats me Charity.... Brit I am just glad you didnt get me with that sh*t..lol That mother f*cker was sick for weeks from that sh*t.lol it was funny as hell though...lol :ah:
  10. DID SOMEBODY SAY PIZZA????? :fro_smokin:
  11. wow thats looks crazy. Hope everyone was ok.. Nice rail too thats to bad..... Nice a$$ air though.lol
  12. I agree completley with ya on that... I love riding and hangin out at the dunes.....I dont want anyone in my busness either... I stay out of other peoples busness all I ask is the same in return..... I cant wait for haloween I got a bike this year... holla ...watch out comp....
  13. We dont even want to talk about the mean things people have said on this site.... I could go right to my inbox and copy and paste but im an adult and think some people should just grow up and mind thier own busness..... the offer stands for thursday nights....
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