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che che DD

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Everything posted by che che DD

  1. WOW that is so sad. R.I.P. my thoughts and prayers out to his family. Thats is a terrible thing !
  2. Wow crazy story glad you recovered !!!!! Glad there were people out there to help you too!!!!!
  3. Good to hear he was brought out of the coma. There is a lot of Drama that happens here and there but its times like this that makes you realize we are all out there doing what we love and its almost like playing a game a russin rulette (spell check inserted here) it sucks when stuff like this happenes.. I will continue to have Danny in my prayers and his family. Peace ,Love and Happieness !!!! :foshizz:
  4. Yes great trip report Pete I was just pullin chains come on you know me!!!!!!
  5. Well I hope they cleaned up the tracks after the figure 8 races and yes who ever the parents are of the kids in the rhino need to be smacked . not one of those kids were buckeled in not to mention the kid who was driving couldnt even see over the steering wheel shame on them
  6. I have camped with Danny many times. He is a cool dude. Makes a mean a$$ deep fried turkey. My prayers are with him. That sucks about his passenger too. Keep us updated Nick..
  7. Thats why we should go green and sell weed...lol :mischevious:
  8. (in my best Italian accent) How you doin?
  9. Ok Ok eharmany.match.com and sugardaddys.com :mischevious: better????? lol kidding of course I should clarify
  10. They already have these houses they are called crack houses lmao!!!!!!
  11. I do agree. but I also think they should legalize weed too... I dont even smoke the stuff anymore but I think enough people do that if they taxed that sh*t maybe we could get a little out of this debt... :mischevious: this is a great idea too skys but then the government would have to pay for all those drug tests and they of course dont want to come out of pocket for that either... This system sucks we have and we are supposed to have a choice . by the people for the people BS thats right BULL sh*t...
  12. I just got the chills reading that he is going home.. That is so awesome =)
  13. yea Glass+ dunes = bad news.. i have drank wine out of plastic cups many times its classy
  14. Facebook.com DDR craigslist LMAO SANDAWG
  15. oh yea and Carna asada !!!! beanies and bandanas Um spell check that one yourself... mmmm and skillet for breakfast..
  16. I love the fact that I dont look at my phone or the time once the whole time Im there..mmm and Jello shotts and roasting pepperoni in the fire.... man Im feenin now.. I heart Dumont!!
  17. I am truly sorry about your friend that sucks. Anytime someone gets injured it sucks. I cant say that I dont allow my kids to ride in circles in camp and to be honest Im even nervous in camp. My kids are 6 and 8 and especially on big weekends I am not letting them go out into the dunes. Those dunes are dangerouse even for me to ride in and I have been riding for a few years now. I Dont let them dig holes and if they do then the parents should be responsable enough to fill them. But if all those kids that ride circles and 8 start going in the dunes when they arent ready I think we will be having a whole hell of a lot flight for life out there... This is just my oppinion and i wont stop my kids from riding around in camp untill they are ready.. Peace and once again I am sorry to hear about your buddy and yea that insurance is agreat Idea
  18. Thanks Jodi I need to hunt down my 1099's thats my first step. Trust me if I need any help I wont be shy.. I will be ringing down your door
  19. I dont have a w2 so I have no clue how to do it this year. It is the first one with out it..So Im lost???lol
  20. Thanks I am even on the south side too.
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