I have to agree on Jodi with this one.. I het nervous in the cars too. Im in controle when Im on my bike.. I ride in third and forth gear... I got a lot more balls this last season. I plan on only getting better!!!
WoW I have th chills... R.I.P. Fellow duner... man and at St Anthony. He couldnt have been much closer to heavin... My prayers go out to his family for sure...
sh*t I hate missing fight night... Thank God I have DDR to come to for all the highlights thanks guys.. Man anyone know when the rampage fight is? I been waiting forever to see that fight
I have pics of my first three items I have made.. Cookies rolls and muffins. Really it was three techniques but my sh*t looks purdy... I will post pics today sometime ...... Now homework on the other hand sucks.. But im paying my dues...lol
So I had my first day of school in 11 years today. 8 books, half for culinary classes the half for reguar studies. 3 uniforms for my culinary classes, 1 aprin, 1 chef hat, and 1 tired girl after a first long a$$ day.. Pics to come for a laugh..... and hit the hay......
Wow that is one crazy story... Sorry that had to happen to your family... You know what they say. When life gives you a can of dog food. Throw it at some a-holes head!!!! . Hope everyone is feeling better!!!!
This is terrible .... You guys are like throwing it out in atmosphere... At least let it be somebody we wont miss like one of the Wiggles. I love chuck!!!
Looks like good times Happy Birthday Pete. I really like the pic where Tracy is Grabbing Reese in the Balls he has this look on his face like I wasnt expecting that lol . I see Bryce but where is Mary????? First Mistake people make when riding bulls is putting there feet behind. Kep them up front you will get much better results
My oldest daughter had the same exact thing when she was born.. The first 3 or 4 months of her life she lived in that thing.. Thats crazy you are the only other person have herd of that hapening to.. She is all good now, you would never know she had anything wrong with her hip. Congrats to all of you.. Glad to hear mommy and baby are healthy and happy.. Im sure Juli is happy to no be preggos anymore too!!!
Sounds like a blast Im down. Those side cars are funny a$$ hell to watch they had a few in adalanto race this year... I live so damn close to the speedway too...