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Everything posted by MAXDOUT

  1. Its all good........................
  2. I got 95k on my 99 Super-poopy but it runs like a champ. I planned on driving it into the 250k range. Is that crazy?
  3. How many miles do you guys run up to on your truck before its time to get a new one???
  4. Here's our heap. Not the badest out there, but pretty clean. The second picture down shows it with the new seats. We kept the for seat cage but made it a two seater.
  5. :beer_bang: Damn it, I probably produce that many cans in a week.
  6. That turned out awsome. Nice job. It was cool blue, but now thats a baller Rhino. Post pics when your's get done. :beer_bang:
  7. love the tank top. Or is that a man-bra.
  8. Yep Vegas sucks too. I made the jump from single family homes to multi-family 3 years ago, and thank god I did. I now build luxury apartments and we are boomin.
  9. Look hard and its in the sand next to the bike.
  10. Put your stock one back on. I think they run the same with stock exhaust.
  11. fk the government!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!These fuel prices are retarded!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Diesel is the least expensive to produce and NOW it cost the most. I hope the truck drivers stand up...SHUT DOWN... and get some thing started. If I have to fuel me truck with f*ckin left over Taco Bell oil, there is a serious problem. The U.S. has the biggest oil reserve right here in America. under the Rocky Mountains. :shocked2: But the system is so f*cked up that they just keep letting us, as American citizens get screwed. God damn it pisses me off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. That looks like a cool ride for Dumont
  13. nice looking rig. :surrender:
  14. I think I am gonna do that. Thats a badazz set up right there. Not my idea, but a freind of ours went out with us, and when we BBQ'd they broke out a tupper-ware dish with probably 20 each of all fast food resturant packets. i.e. Taco Bell sauce, Del Taco sauce, Jack in the Box sauces...etc.etc. There must of been 10 different resturants and choices. At first I was like, what the hell? But it was a pretty good idea. Kinda Trailer-Trashy but whatever.
  15. I know............some buddies huh????? Hey Pete, take before and after pics though.
  16. He doesn't use the Lowes or Homedepot stuff so its a little more. I think its around 6-7 dollars a sq foot. But they come in and totally strip the floor, skim the stem wall with a coating and apply a bonding agent. Then the next day come and apply a base coat. Third day apply top coat with flakes. Fourth day apply sealer/laquer finish. Takes a little longer but worth the wait.
  17. I used to drink Coors light Since then I've moved on to bigger and better things. BUD LIGHT. :sucks about your motor though.
  18. sweet, how the hell do ya get them off. :freakin_nuts:
  19. yep, leaf blower is the way to do it. :freakin_nuts:
  20. Adobe brown/white,light brown and black flakes. (heavy pattern) We'll see, not that Im a mechanic or anything. :freakin_nuts:
  21. HERE'S THE PICS...................SORRY GUYS :freakin_nuts:
  22. My work computer wont let me post pics from it. I will from home later.
  23. Sorry.......cant post pics from work.
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