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Everything posted by bigdan

  1. You have an interesting ad, you have remembered to say no lowballers but overlooked stating the price in which you don't want lowballed. Here is a webpage with 2001 KX250's for sale, maybe you can base your price off of the prices on this page. Good luck. http://www.bikefinds.com/2001-kawasaki-kx250-for-sale
  2. Tell her to call Bob at Bobs paint and drywall, he is 70+ years old and a real hoot. Sometimes his pricing is so low I feel bad that I did not pay him enough. Oh and he does nice work....... Bobs cell 702 300 6403
  3. The only movie I remember really scaring me was Halloween but I was only 12 when I saw it on VHS....
  4. Thanks for reminding people that you never know for sure which it could be.
  5. Can't he drain this before he leaves the desert?? I just think that it is a lack of respect for those behind you.
  6. This Jackass was draining his holding tank all over the highway and my truck leaving Dumont today. If anyone knows where this guy lives please let me know so I can go piss on his house.
  7. I agree that Duck Creek is awsome but have you tried Ruby's Inn, it is just a little farther but worth the trip. Here is a link..... http://www.brycecanyoncampgrounds.com/
  8. This is a cool site for movie locations....... http://www.famouslocations.com/
  9. Ya I bought it from a guy in Henderson off of Craigs list. It has been a real good buggy but I let my 20 year old nephew drive it and he tries to keep up to my long travel rail and he put some cracks in the chasis from bottoming. No big deal though I am going to have that stiffined up for next season.......
  10. Thanks, I chose the color because I wanted to be seen easily by other duners. It has always freaked me out to get hit in the flat areas. I think that some duners get so focused on watching the terain they forget to watch for other duners....
  11. Thanks for the info.......
  12. Hello, This is my first post here, I am a regular at GD.com. I live in Las Vegas and I need a good fab shop to repair the chassis on my buggy. It is not something that is complicated, I just don't want to have to keep repairing it. So I need a good fab guy that can fix it for good. Thanks in advance....... noob Dan
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