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Richard Cheese

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Everything posted by Richard Cheese

  1. kids no older than 7-10 would fit back there, but nothing else imo I like the cage, and it would be cool to make that area in the back a storage area for an ice chest, tow strap, etc who did the cage?
  2. Happy Birthday Foolio...hope all is well, and your finding yourself nice and comfy with a blanket on the floor next to the toilet, regretting renting a jeager machine :mischevious:
  3. have you thought about outside the world of propane? I picked up an aussie bbq at lowes when I got my hauler in 2004....still rockin the same bbq. it takes charcoal.....but IMO, the food tastes better cooked over wood/charcoal than propane I have learned that the last couple months using my santa maria style bbq at home
  4. Run on sentence Bob....Man we were worried about you. Glad to have you back! :mischevious:
  5. cummin turbo diesel pulley n sh*t. (in a NY accent)
  6. you just had to be there...it was funny sh*t
  7. fuggin cole n shiat, on tour, opening up for frank n sheet thats sum funny sh*t the clean version would be colonstuff
  8. wow...they make 12v d*ldos now cool lol
  9. Damn Jodi...don't pull any punches now
  10. WOW...I can "almost" feel the DDR love on this thread
  11. from the OP...it was inconclusive....it looked like it, but no real confirmations...until that link with quotes i posted.......at least in my mind
  12. yeah, I was gonna post you up, but the only pic I could find that wasn't you in a gay bath house was this one
  13. <embed src="http://c.brightcove.com/services/viewer/federated_f8/1125919467" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" flashVars="videoId=390570347001&playerId=1125919467&viewerSecureGatewayURL=https://console.brightcove.com/services/amfgateway&servicesURL=http://services.brightcove.com/services&cdnURL=http://admin.brightcove.com&domain=embed&autoStart=false&" base="http://admin.brightcove.com" name="flashObj" width="486" height="412" seamlesstabbing="false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" swLiveConnect="true" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash"></embed> I found out, after doing some "research" that, in fact, the commercial WAS shot in Dumont, and actually a couple more places right up the 101 from Oceano Dunes http://www.shootonline.com/go/index.php?na...12-1282147737-2
  14. cool! I think string and I are going to try to make it to the regatta this year
  15. let us know who this guy is, so we can avoid this DB
  16. you can contact ebay, as I did IF you did everything you were supposed to do as a buyer...which is pay the MF'r his money in a timely fashion if he gives you negative feedback, contact ebay with proof of your timely payment....they changed mine...they'll change yours Sorry to hear youre dealing with a prick. How can they be new gauges if he had to remove them from a car?
  17. just don't try to do brain surgery on me with a fuggin kite this time Steve
  18. A MUST READ http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...?showtopic=3001
  19. Ill be out kickoff weekend at dumont...the first weekend in Oct
  20. anyone here remember the intestinal dysymbyosis or some chit? what was the name of that thread? that was some funny chit....mudbutt lava
  21. when's the mag gonna come out? I stopped my subscrption, so I have to roll to borders
  22. to me, it's like those dumb effers spectating @ the Baja 500/1000 at the start of the race...6-10 deep all the way down the road i bet that chit changes quick
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