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Richard Cheese

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Everything posted by Richard Cheese

  1. id bet they were.... a neighbor of mine got hooked on that chit a couple years ago. Wife left him. dude lost his job. Power has been shut off now for 3-4 months. His water just got turned off but that dumb ma facka still feels the need to wrench on his POS Lincoln mark 7 that's been in a million pieces for almost 2 years. effer's drivin down the value of my house....not like it needs any help right now
  2. you can count on it that this WILL bring more regulations to off-road racing
  3. http://www.ktla.com/news/landing/ktla-luce...0,5846870.story
  4. If you haven't caught this movie in 3D yet, I highly recommend you check it out. Many reviewers say the effects rival Avatar 3D Ive seen 3 3D movies, and Ive got to say, DM ranks up with How to train your Dragon, as far as the 3D effects as for the story........... The story line is great, and funny as hell with all the fart, butt, and all the sophmoric type humor you could think of. I say that if you thought about it...go see it. Great flick....my stomach is sore from laughing so much yesterday
  5. Ca honors all other states safety courses as their own. WISCONSIN rocks!!
  6. BP guy has one....he was talking to me about it the other day...hit that fool up
  7. http://www.foxnews.com/slideshow/us/2010/0...empts/#slide=13 this one was my favorite
  8. it would be nice if they would incorporate a filtration system, but a cool idea none-the-less!!!
  9. Good for you Dez...hang in there mang...you'll pull it off.. JU CAIN DO EEEEET MANG!!!!!
  10. nice pics pete...who got the, err, umm....talent out there with the bikes?
  11. 4.5 bills EVERY year? dayum.....its only taken the truck 8 years to get down to the 445 price. when I bought it used, the highest I paid was 7something farking gubment iceholes
  12. what year is your truck? 08? 09?? mines a FUGGIN 03
  13. who' yer life partner in the passenger seat?
  14. he's gonna have to regear to like 9.46 n shait :dddddumbAZZ:
  15. I gotta smog this year, on top of paying $445 to renew my tags... you CA
  16. "Good Afternoon, Dickcheese weight management and VCR repair, what can I do for you today?"
  17. i was referring to the last time i was out when he rolled out for the day....and it was raining the entire time he was there
  18. forecast said its gonna rain :clown:
  19. I have to give it to you people in Las Vegas...I have no idea how you handle the heat they way you do.
  20. wow...what a difference almost 2 months make. I CAN WEAR SHOES im almost back to normal. The toe is still a little swollen, and wont be back to normal until mid Sept the DR said I tried on my riding boots yesterday, and they finally go over my foot..... COME ON OCTOBER!!! :atc: :cheesebong: :B :dumbass: :hatdance: :flatbiller: :porn:
  21. and your, um, thingy would work again hey skyz....you'll let me drop anchor in your trailer, right?
  22. find another doctor if that one cant uderstand that he/she is in the customer service business then eff em
  23. the sad part, since the BLM cut loose the hosts, that won't be fixed anytime soon. during the season, that nice lady would drive around with cleaning supplies and spray paint every day and clean all the bathrooms, along with getting rid of the graffiti not any more
  24. looks like the front of an off-road church brochure i wish i was 1.5 hours away from D sorry to hear about your odyssey Nick....it should be warrantied...Ace had a problem with his when it was new too. Great pics Pete
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