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ocean's 4

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Everything posted by ocean's 4

  1. Just throw down some cut pieces of cardboard like these guys, it will protect even the most expensive of paint jobs.
  2. ocean's 4


    If I knew that a week ago I would have bought them.
  3. ocean's 4


    Alright UFC fans, UFC is this Saturday. We got Rich "Ace" Franklin taking on Anderson "The Spider" Silva for the Middleweight Championship. Also, Sean "The Muscle Shark" Sherk taking on Kenny "Ken-Flo" Florian for the Lightweight Championship. My thoughts: I'll take Franklin over Silva, KO in round 3. Sherk over Florian, submission in round 2. What's your thoughts?????
  4. Norht Pole has been known to up and move on it's own, only to return safely to it's home before anyone sees it move.
  5. I think TRX440EX-TREMERIDER doesn't believe in Santa Claus.
  6. I think it is when you drink a Sobe really fast and get a brain freeze??
  7. Santa stops by once a week to pick up the letters.
  8. Video gets better everytime I watch it. Once again, great job Woody.
  9. Gee Pete, you're the best. Just f'in with ya, we were a ear on the circle last weekend. We had good seats for the SOBE BOMBS.
  10. yeah, we were outside the cirlce
  11. Best part, we pulled up next to them doing 70mph to take a picture and the 2 guys were like, "HELL YEAH!!!!"
  12. I think they are sideways beer holders??
  13. It held up doing 70mph. Crazy bastards.
  14. So a while back, we are coming home from work up the 15 freeway and we see this. Quality is a little crappy, but it was on a camera phone.
  15. Come on, gotta love the quad a arms and quad tires.
  16. I think that one is luxury compared to Pete's. hahahaha
  17. One of our buddies had about 1,000 cds he was playing, every different kind of music you can think of. Too Short to Johnny Cash, just a huge variety of everything.
  18. Our camp was bumping some good music all night, truck went dead 3 times as a result.
  19. Must have been that dumb kid hauling a$$ by Rhinoking's camp.
  20. Good pic, take note of the jug of 110 octane 2 inches away.
  21. Oh yeah!!!!! Pete knits like no other. He sits around the camp fire watching Sobe Bombs and knitting newcomers DDR sweatshirts. Did I mention he is also president of Dumont Dune Knitters??
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