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ocean's 4

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Everything posted by ocean's 4

  1. Who is that beast in a sleeping bag??? Love the avatar. :mc_smiley:
  2. Looks like the unabomber.
  3. Don't know if anyone has heard yet, but the Crocodile Hunter was killed by a sting ray. Sucks to hear the news, he was crazy.
  4. Rhino King is a thief!!!! haha, he stole my picture, but a 6 pack outta fix everything.
  5. I'll be there!!! No racing for me though, but it is always fun to watch those high dollar Banshees rip up the hill.
  6. I thought I heard something last time me and Chuck were out duning, but I figured Chuck just had some wicked gas from Del Taco in Baker. :fart:
  7. This was the beast of all beast trucks. 1983 Toyota 4x4, lifted, Swampers, bad a$$ stereo. This thing did things it shouldn't have. Chuck's Nissan was the original beater, but after I bought this thing, wow. I entered this beast in mudding competitions, jumped it, and we even lifted it with a bottle jack, one cinder block, and a crescent wrench. Good times. Wish i still had it.
  8. Nice, makes my tent look little. Hey Woody, sorry we didnt get to meet, I was on the Banshee hanging out right next to you the whole nightat the night drags. Chuck told me afterwards that you were Woody from DDR. Next time we'll have a beer.
  9. Cut it directly down the center, add 1 foot of tubing, and BOOYA. Stretched and fast as hell.
  10. Just stretch it, it adds at least 20 horsepower. :headbang:
  11. Happy Birthday to us!!!!!!!! To all my fellow DDR family members, you guys all kick a$$ and I'm going to drink a few beers for all of us. :headbang:
  12. At one point Pete did the yellow then green about 3 times and nobody went, they just sat there. Then out of nowhere they all took off without a light. WTF?!?! Funny stuff. After that we were jumping around like drunk idiots telling people to watch the light.
  13. Like someone else said, 240 kit and a good pipe, you'll run with a 250R. You're small too, so you'll be pretty quick.
  14. Sorry to dissapoint everyone, but I had the fastest quad out there by far. I think Pete was actually the fastest on 2 feet, everwhere I looked I saw him.
  15. Annual event sounds good, but lights during the season would be fun. The tree light was cool, kept the roll starts to a minimum and I think everyone enjoyed it.
  16. Those lights were funny to watch on the way out. I think the spinning lights on the tower on the 15 freeway might of had something to do with that 4th light being out.
  17. Awesome trip, great turn out. Cool to meet Mike (Northphelan) and his wife, new carbs kicked a$$. Cool chilling with Pete at the light, for some reason people didn't go on green lights. :mc_smiley: Had a blast with my homie Chuck and all the 450 boys. Chuck's quad ran great behind mine on a tow strap. The ride home was nice. -_- Band was cool as hell. Hope the guy that went down has a smooth recovery.
  18. Pastrana is a bad MOFO. Double backflip was sick, the superman back flip was nuts, and the lazy boy back flip was bad a$$. That was the first time he landed the double in a competition, there was a huge picture in ESPN mag a few months ago of him pulling one off in his backyard.
  19. I think I found your lost cones, some a holes in orange vests were using them on the 15 freeway this morning.
  20. Taking a poop would be interesting. What if we had wings instead of arms ?
  21. Pete, I got you if you get stuck. :shocked2:
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