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ocean's 4

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Everything posted by ocean's 4

  1. July 2006 Dirt Wheels has a great article on Page 117.
  2. Well, from what I read the welding machine didn't weld the linkage bracket all the way. I guess if you weld it, it's fine. Otherwise it will break off. I say duct tape it and forget about it.
  3. Just a little input, the Suzuki 450's rear shock linkage are breaking due to a factory defect, I guess the robotic welder didn't weld it all the way. Just read it in the August Dirt Wheels. By the way, did anyone happen to see page 117 of the July Dirt Wheels?
  4. Wasn't that van pimped on Pimp My Ride?? That thing is gangsta, the wing is sweet. :shocked2:
  5. Because he's F'in Jesse James!!
  6. The bastard sent me another email after I told him to F-OFF! These dudes have balls.
  7. That flame thrower he was using was awesome. That flame went about 100 feet. Think I'm going to make one out of duct tape and a gas jug. I'll show them how it's really done.
  8. Hey everyone. Just thought I would bring this to your attention. Recently I put my 2 quads up for sale on a few sites, including right here on DDR. Well, I got an email from a guy that was very eager to buy my 2001 Blaster. He asked if I would accept a check, I told him cash, cashier's check or money order only. He insisted that he had a "client" in the United States that owed him $7,000.00 and asked if he could have his client cut me the check for the amount. He said he will have the check emailed to me (that is what tipped my wife off) and that I can take the $3,000.00 for the quad, take an additional $100.00 for the inconvinience, and send the rest of the remaining balance to him via Western Union. It sounded like a good plan but my wife did not trust this. Upon further investigation, she came across this. Scam Site Basically, this is word for word of what the guy told me. See below: From: robert ken [mailto:robert_bryan01@yahoo.com] Sent: Monday, May 15, 2006 8:06 AM To: Ocean,Randy V Subject: Payment and shipping Arrangement.................... Hello , Thanks for your mail,it look great and I 'm interested in purchasing it.Concerning the shipment have a shipper company that will handle the shipment so you dont need to bother about the shipment.however,This is how the payment will be made A client of mine in United State his owing me some funds of ($7,000)I will instruct him to issue a Check Drawn from US BANK in your name and once it clear you will deduct the cost of the :{2001Yamaha Blaster}{$3,000) and the remaining balance will be end back to my Shipper via western union money transfer for immediate shipping arrangment.the reason is that i am financialy at this moment and i have so much interested in buying the{2001Yamaha Blaster},that is why i want my client to issue you the Check.If this is okay with you do get back to me immediately with your information as listed below for me to instruct myclient to issue the Check in your name.Hope to hear from you soonest and also if the pics is aviliable i will like to see it. NAME : ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: Zip CODE: COUNTRY: PHONE NUMBER: I will compensate you with $100 for the running arround and transportation and also to consider the item sold to me N.B, THE CHECK WILL CLEAR YOUR BANK BEFORE THE SHIPPER COME FOR THE PICK UP As you can see, this is a pretty crappy scam. I almost got screwed, but fortunately my wife caught on to this punk. So, I emailed him the following: Thank you for the response, but I had my Special Investigation Unit here at work look into your email. They investigated and pulled this from the internet about your scam. http://www.ultralightnews.com/classifieds/internetscams.htm Basically, this is word for word of the crap you fed me, please do not email me again. It was a nice try on your part, but a very sh*tty thing to do to a person. My people have this email and it will be further investigated in my Special Investigation Unit. Advice to you, hurry and get what you can, there is now an investigation hot on your a$$. Thanks again. RVO -----Original Message----- From: robert ken [mailto:robert_bryan01@yahoo.com] Sent: Monday, May 15, 2006 6:29 PM To: Ocean,Randy V Subject: Payment and shipping Arrangement.................... Not only will the person get your stuff, but you will be responsible for the money that is cashed with the fraudulent check. Please let others know about this scam. The site link has good info on what to look for.
  9. My turn. There is a few bike/atv shops within about 60 miles of me here in CA. When I was putting a dead man switch on my Banshee I called a shop, won't say a name but it is on Azusa Ave. , waited on hold for about 45 minutes, finally got someone on the line and asked if they had a dead man switch. The guy said yes, we have some in stock. I asked him if he was sure, it's a long drive for me (60 miles). He said yes, I have one in stock. I asked if he could hold it, gave him all of my info(year make, and model) and was on my way. Get there, and ask for my switch, theses guys give me the I'm too dumb to do anything look. They finally get the common sense to look in the back, holy crap, they don't have one. Asked about the one they were holding for me, oh whoops, nothing being held. I asked for the guy who I talked to on the phone, weird, all of a sudden he has amnesia and didn't remember talking to me. Needless to say, I will never go there for anything again.
  10. Either quad is a good choice. I would say Banshee, but that would be a little bias. 4 strokes have the obvious benefits of straight fuel, better gas mileage, and less maintnenance. But if you want a Banshee, better hurry. This is the last production year of the dune legend.
  11. What's the website called???
  12. I looked up Laegers, nice frames, but way too high for my blood. I found frames on ebay for $695.00, but no papers. Laegers is a manufacturer, so I think they have no problem getting their stuff registered.
  13. :headbang: I was thinking about building a quad from the ground up, kind of a hybrid quad with parts from different quads, sort of a summer project. I was looking for a frame to buy, hopefully a yfz450 for the base of the project, and hopefully a yfz450 motor. I was looking on ebay for frames, and found some, but the problem is they don't have paperwork to register it. I emailed the guy and he said I would have to take it to the DMV and get it stamped. Sounded fishy to me. Has anyone ever done a ground up build (quad or rail)? If so, how did you go about getting it registered? It is worth my time, or should I get a papered frame to begin with? Give me your input. :smiley:
  14. That other guy is a cop named Sean Gannon. The UFC signed him, basically because of this fight. He got his a$$ handed to him in his first fight. Kimbo Slice is an underground street fighter that usually whoops on people.
  15. Check this out. My Webpage
  16. That is the worst looking thing they could have possibly done to a Wrangler.
  17. Here's to the guys that stole the quad and screwed up an innocent rig. :headbang: :smiley: It always sucks when crazy crap like that happens, afterwards you think of all the cool stuff you wish you would have done or said. Like hooking their nuts to the bumper of the stolen quad and cruising around until the cops got there. F those punks.
  18. I saw this pile of crap quad out on comp. Trust me, all show, no go. The girl that rides this thing is ugly. hahaha Hey Chuck, tell them about your custom flag holder.
  19. No pictures, I saw the rail and remembered this post from Friday morning. The thing was pretty thrashed. My thoughts are with the family.
  20. I thought I saw that rail on the back of a tow truck leaving Dumont Saturday morning when we were on the gravel road????? It was burnt and looked like it did roll several times. It was an old style rail right??
  21. :angry: Here's the best one, I was at one of those stupid runner checkpoints, traffic the other way was totally stoppedand this lady pulled out in front of me completely blocking oncoming traffic. I gave her the After I got passed that, there were these two guys walking in the middle of my lane, they looked back at me and kept walking in the lane. WTF!! These people were really inconsiderate.
  22. We headed out at about 4:00pm, and holy crap, these people were a bunch of idiots. I don't know how many times cars pulled out in front of me to do a crazy U-turn, or people hogging the whole damn road and looking at me like I was crazy. The funny thing is, all cops and stuff, but every one of them were breaking every traffic law in the book. They actually stopped CRD450 and his wife and told him the highway was closed. BS is you ask me.
  23. Does that thing have camouflage plastics??
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