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ocean's 4

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Everything posted by ocean's 4

  1. haha, damn it. Guess I didn't read the rules. I'll enter the one of my Dad's rail, gotta love that flag flowing in the wind.
  2. Took a day trip last Friday, it was hot as hell, but I managed to get some good pictures. here is one of my Dad's pride and joy
  3. Sweet, looks like a dirtbike ate a bean burrito and pooped out a baby.
  4. ocean's 4


    dang, member #2,825. Welcome aboard.
  5. Holy crap, that looks pretty bad. I would get it checked out due to blood poisoning issues.
  6. Sounds like a neat idea. Real neat.
  7. Awesome, you can do a wheelie and a keg stand at the same time.
  8. I just heard of this recently from a dude at work. Bread and bleach, just put the bleach on the bread, they eat the crap, and that will get rid of them for good. He said he hasn't had a pigeon problem since. If you can put it on your roof in an old bowl that way other pets can't get at it.
  9. Just read this, went outside, and did the exact same thing. Pretty easy.
  10. She should do the time no matter what her name is or how much $$ she has.
  11. Greats pics guys,. Ocean I like the way you have that LTr set up. Thanks.
  12. Goint to try and get a couple of more day trips in, just don't know when.
  13. I say a Suzuki LTR450!!!! hahaha
  14. Well, I wasn't quite sure of the day, I was waiting to see if Chuck was coming out or not. When he said he wasn't, I just took a day off work and headed out for a Friday trip. Gotta love it, getting paid to dune. But Night Drags for sure man.
  15. Holy crap, those were the most inconsiderate people I have ever seen. Last year was just unbelievable, chase cars doing u-turns, almost got t-boned about 3 or 4 times, lady in a cop car came about an inch from slamming into me making a u-turn out of nowhere, then yelled at me for driving in the right direction going 1mph (WTF??), good times. Thanks for the heads up on that one, never want to sit through that crap again.
  16. I went out for a day trip on Friday to meet up with Mike (Northphelan). Saw that Geo Tracker on way way back from comp, about broke my neck looking back to see that thing straight duning like a long travel. hahaha Windy, but a good trip overall, wish I could have stayed for the weekend.
  17. Right on, better safe than sorry on stuff like that. Cheap, easy preventative maintenance.
  18. Yeah man, just let me know when and I can lend a hand.
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