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ocean's 4

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Everything posted by ocean's 4

  1. Right on Pete. Glad to hear everything went well with your mother.
  2. You know what, I can't complain. Out of the blue, I got home from work and they actually repaved my street about 6 months ago. Had no idea they were going to do it, so it was a nice suprise. As for the bridge/underpass on Ranchero, it will never happen. It was supposed to happen about 20 times and it keeps getting pushed back. Oh well. 2 main streets heading east to west for the whole high desert, gotta love it.
  3. I think we all have a few loose nuts in the head due to these awesome roads we have here in the beautiful High Desert. .
  4. Long way to take a stolen bike.
  5. I gave up on all my local High Desert shops. Never have parts and when you do order parts they are usually wrong. I think I mentioned this before a long time ago, but I decided to give one local shop a try and order my wife all new plastics for her Blaster. All was good except for the tank cover, it had a huge ripple down the side, a factory defect. I told the owner and she said it was normal. WTF?? I kept my cool for a while but we ended up getting in a big argument and blah blah blah. Place went out of business shortly after. Gee, I wonder why?? Rocky Mountain ATV on anything, even premix for the bikes. Cheaper, better service, and the order is always right.
  6. I'll be out there, think my Pops is taking out his rail to the dunes for the first time since he finished it. Should be a fun weekend. I'll probably cruise by the hill to see some race action, but think it will be a duning weekend for me. Need to get in some good riding.
  7. I've had my Blaster (bought it new for me, now my wife rides it) for 5 years, same top end, still runs like a champ. Never fouled a single plug in all those years. I put an oil injector block off, probably one of the cheapest and best upgrades a person can put on a Blaster. Simple, easy, and if you foul plugs or get the mixture wrong it's your own damn fault. Never know when the injector is going to get clogged or malfunction.
  8. I heard that a Sobe Bomb is a shot of Sobe and tequila. Could be wrong on this one? Pete makes the best sobe bombs while sitting around a camp fire knitting DDR sweatshirts for newcomers.
  9. I hear that people from the High Desert are real animals.
  10. Work with a lot of names of people, thought on eof the funniest ones was DILBAG. That would be a hard name to grow up with (sorry if there is any Dilbag's on DDR).
  11. I would say the coolest last name i have ever heard is Ocean. Just my opinion, and my last name
  12. Usually we stop before we even get to Baker, Del Taco in Barstow is pretty awesome.
  13. haha, Pete is right. Add a +10 swingarm and it gives you at least 50 more horse power. SSSSSSSSTRETCH IT!!!!
  14. haha, I bolted on a boost bottle, K&N clamp ons, and carbon fiber reeds.
  15. I'm running Toomey T6's with Northphelan's old set of 30mm carbs. It made a huge difference on mid and top end. Thought it would bog on low end, but suprisingly have a little more pull out of the gate. Other than that, everything else is all bolt on.
  16. Try NADS. Don't know if it works, but the name is cool.
  17. How about a grinder with a wire wheel, I've met RHINOKING, let's just say Sasquatch ain't got nothing on him. hahaha
  18. Enough of all this BS, this site wasn't made to bash each other. This is for people that like Dumont, want to meet some cool people and that's it. I don't think anyone joined this site to fight or bash people. Big weekends always bring problems, that is something people have to consider when 50,000 to 100,000 are in a little space of dunes. There is always going to be people that act dumb and there is always going to be people that are cool. Everyone needs to chill out and ask thereselves why they joined this site to begin with, not to bash but to enjoy the site and respect Dumont Dunes.
  19. Wow, just doing some reading. What happened to our friendly little site that I joined a year ago?? Can't we all just get along?
  20. Glad to here you are doing better and healing. I think the comment on your shop was a typo??
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