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Everything posted by HI_DESERT_DDR
Me and some friends from 29 Palms are heading out this weekend and I was wondering if anyone from the site will be out there. We have mostly quads and dirtbikes.
I am getting out of the military in a month and have been offered a job on Fort Irwin. Basically all I need to know is where is the best place to live as far as closeness to the base as well as fairly priced. Thanks for any info that can be provided. Chad (YFZ450)
I'm down to go. Johnson Valley is where I do most of my riding, matter of fact I will be there for the poker run this weekend and will keep my ears open to see if I hear anything.
The above picture was taken while we were on Deployment shortly after the attacks. We were out to sea at the time of the attacks and were ordered to return to port and be ready to deploy within a week. That is a time I will never forget. As I prepare to deploy yet again to Afghanistan to fight this war on terror I reflect on the day this terrible event happened and look foward to doing my part to make sure nothing like this happens again on my watch. My heart and prayers go out to all Americans who lost a loved one in the Tragic events of 9/11/01, and to those who have lost loved ones as a result of the war over the last 7 years. IT2(SW) Chad D. Schisler USN
Pictures from the Border Patrol Golf Tournament
HI_DESERT_DDR replied to bp-guy's topic in General Chat
What course was that? -
We felt it out here in 29 Palms as well. :ah:
the official ddr summer night drags
HI_DESERT_DDR replied to quad~dizzle's topic in Dumont Happenings
Due to some unforseen issues I was unable to make it to Dumont all season but I will be able to finally make it for the night ride. Only 1 year since my last Dumont trip. Dang I miss Dumont!! See you all there. Dunefreak Duniemonkie quad~dizzle ISBB? SinCity blondie Malibu VLX Sandchick Wingnut indasand Suzukilt RUn2it powerhouse SandSoulja barefoot Bob Sandpsycho mineurbiz (98%) Grey CaptNkllm Dunelover dune demon britincali suzltr450rider bigtruckdrmr Stock 350 BudlightBob dunegirl53 Vegas Style LTR-450 tkriley sanddunesaddict desertrider71 YFZ450 -
The MOTO X events are held at the Home Depot Center in LA.
Just got my tickets in the mail today and was wondering if anyone else from the forum was going.
We went to Ocotillo Wells and there were a lot of people but it really didn't seem very busy. I really need to get out to Dumont and get some sand I have had about enough dirt riding.
Thoughts and prayers to you and your family!! :praying:
Well after getting back from 2 weeks of leave I get back to my desk with an email stating that I have duty this Sunday so unfortuantely I am out for kickoff but can't wait to see the peeps Halloween.
:mic: :no_no: Very well said Don!! Just like in one of my previous posts about a$$hats in my neighborhood doing doughnuts and riding down the street like a moron at midnight. People think that just because he did it then everone that owns a quad or bike must be disrespectful too. I have talked to many people here in the Hi Desert and most of them have said they don't mind the people riding up here that don't ride stupidly and that they understand that there are also responsible duners out there as well.
Any new pics or progress reports??????? HI-DESERT
Congats Jodi way to represent HI-DESERT DDR!!!!!!!
I did the same thing once but I put it in one of the cabinets in my old garage.
How far is Bakersfield from ridgecrest?
I am currently temporarily assigned in Ridgecrest/China Lake CA fixing their computer issues and I was wondering if there were any DDR members that live around here because it is even more boring than 29 Palms. The thing that sucks even worse is that I am stuck here 1 week each month until next june when I transfer out of 29 palms.
I hate people that make responsible riders look bad!
HI_DESERT_DDR replied to HI_DESERT_DDR's topic in General Chat
I haven't checked the paper yet but I doubt it will be in there since the cops didn't wrap everything up until about 330. -
So last night I went over to one of my buddies houses that got back from IRAQ yesterday and had a couple drinks then was home by like 1130. So here I am laying in bed at around midnight and I here a quad revving. I go outside practically naked to see whats going on and here is this drunks a$$ guy revving his quad in his driveway then doing doughnuts in his front yard throwing rocks everywhere. Then this guy takes of through his neighbors yard and by that time the neaighbor stops him and is like wtf you doing. So the dude gets kind of cocky with him and speeds off to the other neighbors yard and starts doing doughnuts like 3 feet in front of the door and the womans little kid walks out of the house and the guy starts roosting the little 2 year old, then takes off down the main road and rides to the bar for some more drinks. Mind you this guy is already hammered. So one of the other neighbors comes out and tells everyone that he has called the cops so naturally the nosey person that I am I wait for the cops to come and then almost as soon as the cops come here comes this jack flyin down the street and he almost hits the cop but makes it into his driveway runs into his house and tries to hide even tho the cop was right there trying to stop him. So finally they find this guy in the backyard and arrest him but to make things even worse for the guy the ambulance and the fire truck show up and I'm like wtf the dude is already in the cop car, well next thing you know here comes a cop out of the house on a stretcher. Anyways this sh!t makes me mad only because he gives us people that ride a bad name. Even the neaighbors have said they don't mind us riding down our street to catch the dirt but me and my friends are respectful about it and just creep through the neaighborhood. Sorry for rambling I am just really tired and really pi$$ed right now.
DDR's 2 year anniversary online get together
HI_DESERT_DDR replied to dunefreak's topic in General Chat
Happy Birthday DDR cant wait ti see everybody on kickoff weekend! :freakin_nuts: -
I need to get one of those for my tent!!!!
Don how did you get a picture of my girlfriend? WTF is going on here? That's it that's the last straw. I'm tired of her giving her picture out to random guys. Yoou know what Don you can have her.
Not a toyota driver but from what I have heard those trucks kick arse. Nice choice!! :tres hermanos_rock_smiley: