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Everything posted by NE14SAND

  1. mine passed just fine. programmer, intake and exhaust on an 01 7.3. just another way for Cali to get into my wallet!
  2. being that the company i worked for just went belly up i would say we are done for the season. i will have to live through all of DDR's pics and vids 4 now
  3. yep, I LOVE OFF WEEKENDS!!! hell i think im done with the big weekends. could see travis's stacker from camp
  4. we new it was bad when they covered the body. sad day 4 sure, rip
  5. soooooooo lookin foward to an off weekend. goin nutz here havent had my feet in the sand since newyears. CANT WAIT
  6. Grey water is a silly law, if you never close it there is no bad smell. it will indeed get you a $125 TICKET AT GLAMIS, ask my buddy Dave. bottom line--- what mood is the ranger in and how fattttt is your wallet?
  7. looks like we have now missed 2 fun trips in a row, nice pics
  8. cant make it so the 19th will have to do
  9. it isnt gona happen randy. hell the 70 i picked up would have been ready, oh well. brian = campidiot (red DD car) will be with smokin Al THANKYOU
  10. we are out, bummed! told the wife we will camp with DDR at a later date to make it up. please get my shirts and randog parts to Brian, thanks
  11. its not looking good Pete! personal family issues, will know 4 sure Tuesday.
  12. will you be bringing any extras next weekend Randy?? thanks Aaron
  13. the wife is lookin foward to this one, thats a good thing for me told here i bought a 70 two weeks ago and i got a smile, not what i was expecting LOL
  14. just paid for 1 of each, see ya at the regatta, just dont tell the wife!! she doesnt know we have a 70 yet
  15. when we did that Ralph's in Goleta i got to stay there for 3 months +- it was like a effin vacation!!! loved it there.
  16. NICE vids! just looked at mine and yours makes my 3rd/4th gear run look like I'm sight seein. hard to gage speed if no ones in front of you.
  17. place was tore up sat!!! newyears day at 8am it was nice but didnt last long.
  18. thought B was for motorcycle and most of our towing issues are fixed with a recreational class A. this enhancement drops you to legally drunk at .4 from .8 i could be wrong
  19. i always remember around 3pm, my bad
  20. i was told h-town 4 sure, Brian grabbed our strap to help retrieve it.
  21. WOW Pete it was easy LOL..... it was as if i did nothing
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