that damn buckshot was in the air more than the sand!!! he measured this jump and said it was 100 FEET!! that was his goal of the day. i will get more shots on here as soon as i get time
Cole you were out like a lite in front of my rig than smudge pot. say thanks to brains and my wife for NOT letting me use my purple sharpie on you. glad ya went to the doc ya silly silly man (polite for dumba$$)
just gettin home, love sunday night out there! was a blast and ya toss one hell of a shin dig Pete!!! still havent even looked at my pics yet much less the vid cam.
we should be there around 1pm friday and our son is asking if there is any kids his age in camp (turns 17 on the 6th) i didnt have any luck digging up a 70 for him to play (hes bummed) we will be heading back home first thing mon morn.