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Everything posted by NE14SAND

  1. HOLLY sh*t DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i would be bummmmmmed big time
  2. WOW, COOL. by pieces do you mean taken apart or cut up?
  3. being broke SUCKS!!! i wana go
  4. might be there, will know more in a few days
  5. bout time ya posted and quit lurking Brian. the skill i see is the camera guy making the driver look good
  6. ya it sucks that Al had a bad day. well i guess thats a REAL bad day.
  7. cool meating you as well, wasnt that big a turn out. next trip man
  8. was a great trip! BIG THANKS to who ever the peeps were that brought one of my pups back to our camp (fireworks scared her and she got loose at NIGHT!) it was way cool that they noticed us walking the healers and new what camp she came from, i was bummed as we started going camp to camp. i do think she enjoyed the rhino ride back. LOL. turned my back for five minutes and she slipped out of her collar and was gone. well I'm to tired and lazy to post pics so i will just toss a link up. http://www.kodakgallery.com/ShareLanding.a...w_photos_button
  9. ya just had to tempt fate didnt ya. blowin hard most of today
  10. thanks. we heard about it here in camp but hadent seen any of it yet
  11. it is forsure needed in a couple days (after we leave) but PLEASE DONT USE the (W) word!
  12. lookin out the window at craper #3 with full bars on the card. i will say the sand is tore up
  13. lookin out the window at craper #3 right now suckers
  14. tue night it wasnt bad at all. the trucks pullin rigs were MOVEN and us in the moho had no prob at 20. i give it a b+ as of tue eve
  15. Shoshone, CA Local forecastHourlyTen-dayMapsAverages Detailed ten-day forecast °F | °C Day Forecast Description Precip chance Today Dec 29 Details Clear Hi: 57° Lo: 33° Day: Sunny skies. High 57F, humidity 25%. Winds light. Air Quality: NA, UV Index: 2 0% Night: Mostly cloudy skies. Low 33F. Winds light. 0% Tomorrow Dec 30 Details Clear Hi: 61° Lo: 34° Day: Sunny skies. High 61F, humidity 25%. Winds light. Air Quality: NA, UV Index: 2 0% Night: Mostly cloudy skies. Low 34F. Winds light. 0% Wednesday Dec 31 Fair Hi: 62° Lo: 35° Sunny skies. High 62F and low 35F. Winds SW at 5 to 10 mph. Air Quality: NA, UV Index: 2 0% Thursday Jan 01 Clear Hi: 62° Lo: 37° Mostly clear skies. High 62F and low 37F. Winds N at 5 to 10 mph. Air Quality: NA, UV Index: 2 0% Friday Jan 02 Fair Hi: 61° Lo: 36° Sunny skies. High 61F and low 36F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph. Air Quality: NA, UV Index: 2 0% Saturday Jan 03 PM Rain Hi: 58° Lo: 35° Drizzle. High 58F and low 35F. Air Quality: NA, UV Index: NA 10% Sunday Jan 04 Sprinkles Hi: 54° Lo: 35° Chance of light rain. High 54F and low 35F. Air Quality: NA, UV Index: NA 35%
  16. now that life has my FULL attention i will be lookin into insurance on everything, silly me for it taking something like this for me to think of that
  17. it was LUCK that i caught it but i will take it any way i can get it.
  18. so been wanting an enclosed for 4 LONG years! we finally bought a new one before this season started :2gunsfiring: bought it in Lancaster (it was in stock) brought it to our place in phelan than did Halloween. had to sit out T-day so we went dec 12th-15th. on Monday we woke up to rain so we started to load and i got really LUCKY when i drooped the cord to charge the batteries and saw the bolt coming out! so there we sit fully loaded in the rain with 10 to 15 mph wind at about 39 degrees for 5 hours trying to micky mouse the damn thing to get it home. front bolt was GONE and the one in rear was on by about 2 threads, was a 9/16 fine thread bolt hell no i didn't have one so task of today was FIX TRAILER, so glad its done! so CHECK YOUR NUTS guys. Aaron
  19. Tuesday Dec 30 Clear Hi: 60° Lo: 37° Sunny skies. High 60F and low 37F. Winds light. Air Quality: NA, UV Index: 2 0% Wednesday Dec 31 Clear Hi: 61° Lo: 37° Sunny skies. High 61F and low 37F. Air Quality: NA, UV Index: NA 0% Thursday Jan 01 Clear Hi: 62° Lo: 37° Sunny skies. High 62F and low 37F. Air Quality: NA, UV Index: NA 0% Friday Jan 02 Fair Hi: 59° Lo: 49° Partly cloudy skies. High 59F and low 49F. Air Quality: NA, UV Index: NA 5% Saturday Jan 03 PM Clouds Hi: 59° Lo: 42° Mostly clear skies. High 59F and low 42F. Air Quality: NA, UV Index: NA 5% Sunday Jan 04 Partly Cloudy Hi: 57° Lo: 47° Partly cloudy skies. High 57F and low 47F. Air Quality: NA, UV Index: NA 5%
  20. well than i can guess you text did not come with the same picture mine did, lol. would post it 4 ya if i could bro
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