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Everything posted by NE14SAND

  1. looks like just the fam is going. all the friends shot there load t-day and are saving up for new years. prob gona camp the same place as Halloween, grab a left at the camp host and drop the jacks.
  2. had to sit t-day weekend home so im goin nuts! cant wait to get out!!!
  3. finding them in stock is the chalange. or knowing a CA broker that will execpt off list from an out of state order. YES YOU SHOULD HAVE GRABED IT! if i come up on the change i will grab and regester a few and just toss um in the safe till i get the $$ to build
  4. cant afford the AR right now so we are going to buy our off list lowers now while we still can, will do the build as money permits. i want an AR10 being i already have the .308 in something else but DAMN the ammo just went HIGH. garage is already set up to reload everything else. heres the toys from last trip to barstow.
  5. in the back yard tonight. the damn thing boiled over for the first time. put popcorn on it, the pups loved that part
  6. had a 10 on my boys and the shop just told us it will only cost me a trans in half the time, just changed to an 8
  7. food for thought peeps, just because you don't see a spotter doesn't mean there isn't one. i am on neither side here but i do have a friend that loves to entertain others. i am ALWAYS spotting him at the base of whatever hill he is on with the race radio. and if i don't like what i see i shut him down. like i said food for thought so don't stone me the radios are worth there weight in gold
  8. 1st and 11th pics are my car, spent a day or 2 tryin to keep up with Al. like i ever had a chance
  9. leaving in 2 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. trailer and moho are washed and loaded!!!!! havent set foot in sand since new years! CANT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IS IT THURSDAY YET ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  11. lol i hear ya. what ya got for an engine in it?
  12. we allways have room for more, UNLESS the one lookin for room is an idiot or fall down drunk. not trying to sound like a d*ck just puttin it out there strait. DONT DUNE ALONE!!!!! Aaron
  13. if you do it right,yes. if you don't you will FOR SURE piss A LOT of peeps off. it took me a few tries to get it right and yes i upset my share of peeps. i would love to know if it is legal at Dumont, i have seen peeps get tickets for starting their fire with gas there.
  14. GREAT QUESTION, i wasnt sure if i was going to bring mine or leave it home
  15. <<<<<< will find out in just under 2 weeks
  16. i have the wood burning stove going as i type, its 43 deg outside right now! still have a LOT to do to hit halloween.
  17. the last time we camped there there was a bush on the right as you got to top of hill at entrance nextel worked at. if and only if buggy was parked pointing the correct way. sounds like it ain't changed much.
  18. sounds like it hasn't changed
  19. how crowded does everybody think it will be???
  20. its been a year or 2 since we have gone to dumont. does nextel / sprint work at that place yet?? looks like we will be first in our group on halloween and cell / pc service would be cool. THANKS Aaron
  21. this will be our first Halloween at Dumont. how crowded does it normally get??
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