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Everything posted by NE14SAND

  1. Ok folks I STILL need 3! Now the client is only giving me the nights of the 22 & 23 tue and wed night of next week. This Means we are more than likely looking at some OT as well. Need some bodies THANKS
  2. lookin for labor mostly so $12 moving items around the mall at staging them
  3. I tried for years to quit, after the event I never wanted one. odd
  4. its an eye opener aint it?!!! I had same thing at 44, dead 3 minutes. I was told to quit smoking, haven't had another since.
  5. were looking for 3 people to work in a Guess store at the Show mall of the strip the NIGHTS of 10/22 thru 10/24. we are looking for local folks and some heavy lifting will be going on. maybe your kid or friends kid needs a few buck, hell maybe you can use a few extra bucks? pm me and I will get you a phone number THANKS for your time and THANKS Pete for letting me put this up Aaron
  6. oh I have pics my friend!!! I have more than I know what to do with hahahahah. you will have to be way more specific! like pics of trees, rain, trail turned to river, me hosing myself off in front of a down town gas station or a pic of the whip and light still working right now. so yes I have pics to back it all up all you need is to pick a pic. I just didn't want to clutter this for sale thread up with my awesome man tip lol
  7. OK I just had to revisit this thread. im sure its no secret mike is a dear friend of mine but facts are facts! I recently got to go on a guy trip to a small town in Utah call Hatch with our 08 teryx. I'm a SoCal sand guy born and raised so this SxS dirt stuff is kinda new. well on with the story. we were legal to drive on streets in fact the way into town was pretty much a major highway (for them) I am a NON trusting SOB and realized the damn whip was bright enough to see in the DAY so up n on it went AWESOME! on with the 100 mile day we went, yes 100 (you can drive right up to the pumps there) after about 80 miles it starts to rain so we choose a diff trail back into the trees for shelter, no we are plain stuck in a nasty monsoon and its freakin POURING!!!! we choose to just roll with it and off we go at a strong speed (ouch), rain turns to HAIL and back to down pour and trail turns to RIVER all the while we are still haulin a$$ thru the trees! my teryx is bobed so im completely covered in mud as if someone shoveled it on me! finally hit blue after 10+ miles of hell (fun hell) into town we go for gas, gas man lets me use the hose to wash me and rig off. now is when I see I have left the ZEUS WHIP up, oops im thinkin that was a bit of money out the window to just screw it up (bummed) well guess again. so this damn thing is pouring rain, hail, flash flood and Utah TREE tested and it still ROCKS!! BTW when I say tree tested I didn't roll under A tree I beat the sh*t out of it at high speed on a LOT of trees!!! "maybe you should call it a Timex Mike" BTW my 30" led bar I got from Mike was on the whole time as well, I LOVE that thing!!! THANKS GTP!!!!!!
  8. I just put mine on over the weekend and LOVE IT! I think Mike failed to mention a couple things LIKE MADE AND ASSEMBLED LOCALLY THE USA! I like to support my LOCAL business and my FELLOW DUNNERS!!!! I haven't done the Nyxt Underbody kit YET. GTP has it all and stand behind there products, my light bar kicks a$$ as well thanks Mike WHY PICK ONE COLOR WHEN YOU CAN HAVE THEM ALL!!
  9. this thing hauls a$$! its fun as hell to chase through the dunes and his attention to detail almost puts him in tweaker category! lol.
  10. never herd of it so off to google i went. they all look to have the MESH back, might get chilled to the bone on those cold dune nights? just a thought, but looks good for a nice day. let us know
  11. we love the costco ones with the table and cup holder
  12. hell yea i knocked man at glamis we were open trailer and now in-closed so i just don't leave stuff out (i ain't stoooopid) but at Glamis getting stuff ripped was a regular event, anything forgot and not nailed down was a loss!!! hell at Von's in town they cut my straps and ripped our full gas cans with my son watching and us chasing! scandalous chit out there! pismo is bad as well! oddly enough Dumont is the only place i have had to bring a gun out of rv with intent but thats a whole diff story and thread.
  13. never locked. infact i havent had a damn thing ripped off since i quit going to Glamis 5 years ago, just sayin
  14. i got 2 and it will work, thanks folks.
  15. OK maybe I'm being a bit tight? $15HR is top of my budget on this one for labor. need to know asap
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