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Everything posted by NE14SAND

  1. I have a job in Vegas next week and am looking for 3 local men for 3-5 days. no real experience needed just lifting , moving and maybe some simple assembly. strong back needed and IQ a plus. $12-$14 Aaron
  2. and im guessing they take a lot less space as well. well our house is only 5 years old so maybe this is the way to go when the time comes
  3. we are on propane and it aint cheap!!! will the tankless use less propane?? and as far as the electric, any idea what the average electric bill is for one? (i understand you cant know yet but maybe the produck came with some numbers?) thanks
  4. being i have to be in bakersfield sun eve for work im a cancel!! bummed
  5. if all goes well we will be there
  6. just please pass it on folks BE SAFE
  7. yes for sure!!! the witches eyes im talking about is ALL the ones i did no photo every where in the dunes BE SAFE
  8. blew hard sat night and this was sun morn, BIG HOLES man! in fact a LOT of witch eyes everywhere!!!!! run um slow on first run, be safe
  9. WOW this was hard to find!!! i used to follow this before a trip, lets bring it back. im giving it an A as of sun morning leaving
  10. if you look at the tracks in the first pic, those are rail tracks. holes are big guys
  11. the right side has some BAD stuff going on again, be safe people
  12. Plugged in, after hearing Pete's opinion on the auto zone iac I put the stock one back an haven't had an issue yet. I had replaced it when I was tossin $$$ at it chasing the ghost.
  13. No sweat Bert, all seams well with car. Maybe a small bug or 2 to chase but all my hard work appears to have paid off, if only I knew what the fixes were lol
  14. Perfect evening!!!!!! Perfect sand!!!!! Perfect sand FIX!!!!!
  15. I love the vid quality of the 2, this weekend is my first time with it. My norm is a year or 2 behind so I suppose when the 4 comes out I will grab the 3
  16. will be at 6ish, rollin in around noon friday.
  17. i will stay content with my 2 as long as i get that vector mount
  18. LOL. i haven't even opened and charged the batteries for my new 2. bastards
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