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Everything posted by NE14SAND

  1. hell i havent a clue what im talking about Pete, still learning the phone. i just thought i had herd something about an app, just dont understand what it would do and why? i duno, other sh*t on my mind right now anyhow
  2. keep your fingers crossed and good luck
  3. sooo are we talking in camp at the regatta?? give a bit of 411 here, i have seen many an item find its way home on this site. help the peeps help you man, good luck
  4. this has been a hard one for this house!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. ok thanks bro. and yes mike i hate that bb but have had one for like 8 years, soon as i no longer need it i will see how well they bounce
  6. NE14SAND

    DDR app?

    so i just got an iphone and see ddr has an iphone app?? what is it and what does it do?? like i said i just got it and am just learning how to use it. thanks Aaron
  7. my trick is do everything i can to keep what we have. last 3 years have sucked but we are surviving. main rule i have is do everything we can to survive but dont sell toys. life WILL get BETER!!!
  8. all the Glamis folks should have plenty of cones
  9. my daSH AND THE CODE READER are about 30deg diff is all i know man? sorry 4 the capps lol
  10. this POS cant get out of its own way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! guess you will have to keep it now that the secret is out bud, glad i could help a brotha out
  11. 1 thing to check. when you plug a scan tool into pc temp runs about 30deg higher than what intelli says. thats mine so check yours Pete so you know what your temp actually is, just a heads up
  12. LOL " MIKE LEADS GREAT GIRL RIDES " LOL OUCH lol so what are you saying
  13. maybe if i can get the damn car runnin
  14. chloe will do anything for a ride on the 70 or rail and will chase me all over till i pick her up. shes the wifes dog can you tell
  15. wife wants to camp this year, if i can clear the weekend we should have between 3 & 5 to bring.
  16. if i can get the darn genny and rail runnin!!
  17. was great seeing you guys and a fun run as always! if mike didnt take out that rear tire in his fall we wouldnt of had to bail out.
  18. wow had to shut that one off right away, cant watch crap like that after seeing our son get nailed like that!!! hell that was 07 and it still screws my head up
  19. looks like we are heading out wed for our first trip of season. that makes me a couple behind so i cant wait!!!
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