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Everything posted by NE14SAND

  1. at the very least leave everything open. if cold spell isnt a long one i wont drain fresh. i will leave all the valves open so water will back flow back into tank, or drain out. this also leaves a bit of room in the lines for any water left to expand if it does freeze. when im gettin ready to use moho i will run the heat with all cabinets open for an hour or 2 to make sure all is room temp BEFORE turning on pump. 3 winters now at 3500ft with no probs and MANY snows and freezes.
  2. have an 8" on mine and love it. you towing tag or fith?
  3. thought that was u sittin on that dune, sorry man. it was a perfect trip!!! perfect sand!!! even had a bunch of young ones in camp that we took to little D. did that run on our 70's where i managed to indo going up hill and got pinned by a darn 70! GREAT TIMES! sun morn there was darn near NO tracks for our last run, i hated to leave. took not 1 pic, trip was tooooo short. did roll the gopro every run execpt the 70 indo, wish i had it on. i need to start doing something with all this footage.
  4. would love some pics brotha. NE14SAND@msn.com
  5. your just upset it doesnt smoke the 125 like you thought
  6. wife wants a button to start and after towing that darn thing everywhere at the Regatta I'm over the stocker! can save some bucks buying local but they don't have bottom start 110's only top. will it work?? thanks Aaron
  7. NICE! heading back up in the morn, think i will have to take mine out of camp. that looks FUN
  8. NE14SAND


    THANKYOU Justin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. was a great day! had a blast! got lazy, no pics. i did have my gopro on my boys bucket in his events. ps. a big thanks to everybody that made this such a fun day and a big THANKS to u Pete for bustin your tail on it!!
  10. yep 1 big campsite. were rollin just 4 the day as well
  11. just give me a heads up if u need it and i will drag it up.
  12. NE14SAND


    bring jack for your wife but full disclaimer on my side. ie you are on your own with wife and Jack bro. lol
  13. shirts are SICK! Pete were commin up sat morn headin home after dark and i can bring flatbed if needed (20x8) just give me a heads up and i will drag it up.
  14. question. is there a cap on tickets (ie 1 per stocker) or is it unlimited?
  15. NE14SAND


    well hell THANKS! soda???? work with me man.
  16. NE14SAND


    thats TWICE you have bailed me out Justin. your not tryin to get in good with my wife are ya? lol. how much cash am i bringin and what beer do you drink?? THANKYOU!!!! Aaron
  17. NE14SAND


    seen that Pete, all look gone if im reading it right
  18. NE14SAND


    looking for a heal gaurd for wifes 70. need the left foot side and all im finding is rights. if you have one i would love to buy it from ya at the regatta. thanks Aaron
  19. the wifes bike will be there for its NEW engine, SWEET!
  20. not raceing pete, just day trippin to chill. but i was told the shirts are BLACK, might have to hit that
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