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Everything posted by NE14SAND

  1. in for a day trip. 2 70's so far but workin on #3
  2. they woke us up this morning (camped by us when they rolled in last night) they HAULED a$$
  3. im being lazy so heres a link. thanks Aaron http://www.glamisdunes.com/invision/index.php?showtopic=228430
  4. lookin forward to the pics and thanks for the write up Pete
  5. sooooo wheres all the pis and trip reports for thoose of us that were stuck at home?? did everybody use all there memory cards up on the river???
  6. Saint A is WORTH the $$$$$$$$. that place rocked! some day i will retire to Idaho falls
  7. weather is PERFECT here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! see ya
  8. sooo where shall i locate pull start and seat pan this weekend? were gettin there wed. thanks Aaron
  9. i picked one of these up http://www.harborfreight.com/mini-tire-changer-34552.html it was on sale and 4wheel parts mag always has 20% off coupons. in the end it was 30 bucks
  10. loaded and ready, if it wasnt for work i would leave in the morn. wed is soooo far away.
  11. yep stock 4 now. just gettin it runnin 4 her. randy hooked her up. so Steve ya gona be camped with the DDR crew? THANKYOU Justin
  12. thanks SKINNER and Vegas style! you gona be there 4 halloween??? Aaron
  13. anyone gettin there wed?
  14. picked her up a 70, shes excited 4 sure!. it has no seat or seat pan and also needs a pull start. so who has what?? thanks Aaron
  15. SWEEEEEET just got the car runnin! will be out there from wed to mon if all goes as planned
  16. went last year for first time and this is what i learned. line is a joke! some killer deals if you get in QUICK BUT you must know EXACTLY what you need and want!!! do not expect any quality help they will sell you wrong part then u r screwed. our kids went back after we got home for gear (3 hrs after gate opening) still got killer deals on gear, gear bags, shirts.......... i bought yami paddles on wheels and got home to find they didnt fit, had to work um myself. so know exactly what you need and the deals are there but they go quick. parts than gear is the ticket. i will never go back unless they get the gate under control, hate peeps that cut so i choose not to be one.
  17. stood in line last year to see everybody get there 10 min before opening and bum rush gate! sh*tty planning! lesson learned, if we were going i wouldnt be in line
  18. will order as soon as my pay hits bank in mornin. I NEED A FIX
  19. it will be our first trip of season, CANT WAIT
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