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Everything posted by SandBox_Kid

  1. You added spacers to your rappy?
  2. For some reason I can see it now......
  3. You're a member....so you are part. Too late to disclaim us now!
  4. Free download right from the group if anyone is interested. http://www.nin.com
  5. We had planned to pay some bills....but the '95 came home last week with a window stuck half open. I tried to look at it this weekend, but I don't think I can get to it myself. They pack that chit in the door tighter than a chinese tent in the box from the factory. I think I'll dump it in Lake Mead......oh wait....is there even enough water?
  6. I knew I was missing something. Thanks. :shocked2:
  7. :6pak: Am I missing something....because the '07 and '08 CRF 450r only has 12.5 inches of travel.
  8. The V8 busa sounds bada$$. click :6pak:
  9. Not to jack this thread, but I just read an article in LV City Life that I found pretty interesting. Sounds familiar. These folks are going from county to county putting together these wilderness designations all over Nevada. I wonder if this is also how they work in Cali too.......one piece at a time. ^^^ talk about a friggen land grab!! ^^^ We know that will come next for them. I wonder if they have special lizards, or plants that need protecting from bad humans? Full article
  10. The real question is....which one haven't they attacked yet?
  11. That ALMOST happened to one of my friends here in town.
  12. Actually parents have been starting them really young for a long time. I started at 5 back in '73....so I'm sure that isn't an unusual age today either. By the time I was 7 I was on a 80cc bike. What I would really like to know is how they come up with their figures for age/CC's. I think it was screwed up from the start.
  13. I have flown the "rebel" flag in the past and may do so at anytime in the future. I was born in Mississippi and it's still a part of the state flag, and my heritage....which by the way was due to be replaced in 2001, but a vote of 2-1 said it still remains today....since 1864. I can't see the reason to change it because someone else doesn't like it. BTW - The stars and bars flag shouldn't be mixed up. That flag actually looked like this, and had two different versions: Click for more info The flag I think you are referring to is considered the Confederate battle flag: Click for more info
  14. I usually watch Deadliest Catch......anything on History, Discovery or National Geographic channel. I usually like to watch things that educate, but NASCAR is a must for me. It's one of the few sports I watch.....most of which have a throttle involved. In the morning it's CNN and then local news....same as when I first come home from work. Gotta stay informed. However, lately I have been helping my son and his friend work on their baja bugs. Got one wired and tuned (after changing push rod tubes and adj. valves)......and we just tore into the other, so the TV has been off lately.
  15. Check out this bada$$ rail!!!!! Talk about neck breaking speed!
  16. If you go County just remember you could get stationed outside of Vegas like Laughlin or Jean. You should probably stop by some of the other stations like NLV and talk to a few of the fire fighters. Focus on benefits, and see which one offers more. Just a thought....and good luck. Don't forget about Henderson FD. Click
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