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Everything posted by SandBox_Kid

  1. I know it's ok...but you're off topic now!! :headbang: ...and you don't own me biatch. Just remember who's making $$ right now and who isn't. :shocked2: Cool it.
  2. That was an expensive roll!! How much for a new tranny case?
  3. Don't be dissin' DDR.... :shocked2:
  4. No....not at all. I have the right! :shocked2:
  5. :shocked2: me ---> <---fctryblack84
  6. Dayyyuuuum....how many times is that now?
  7. I found an excel spreadsheet that calcs all of that stuff for ya if you just put in the figures. It's fairly detailed down to the gas in your tank! However I get this statement when attempting to attach "Upload failed. You are not permitted to upload a file with that file extension."
  8. Yes...towards the bottom it states "the Department of Taxation will be working out all the details before the law takes effect on January 1, 2006" Since it passed on Jan 1, 2006 I read somewhere in the bill it expected the dealers to be prepared by June 1, 2006.
  9. I had the same deal with AT&T and now Cingular....but I would still go Verizon, if I had a choice at this point, just for the Dumont coverage.
  10. Ok...that's a little better. I read this one thoroughly a couple of months ago. It says that the dealers are supposed to issue the stickers upon sale of the vehicle. No charge. No way to enforce either. I can even see me going back to the dealer for the 2005 that I purchased and getting the sticker. However, how do I get a certificate for my rail when I built it from the frame up? I never really purchased it from a dealer.
  11. I agree...but the trends that start there will eventually follow here. Did you know that SB400 passed in Nevada and has a sticker requirement here now? Click for more info
  12. Man....am I glad I don't live in CA anymore. They are actually proposing a OHV smog requirement in CA...... I didn't have time to be thorough....but just skimming the document didn't look very happy for small OHV's. Click for more info....
  13. You might be onto something there!! Hmmmm....there's nothing like the real thing!
  14. I didn't see anything on the calendar? Next week should be a good one since it's close to Pete's B-Day!! I may even have to come out and play for that one!
  15. We have cingular....and service in town depends on the phone you purchase. 2 out of 3 of our phones work great and the 3rd drops calls all the time. The wife is always complaining about their infamous "no dropped calls" service ....but it's just fine for me. I paid $200 for my phone...it better work good!!
  16. You can use my wife as a reference.....she's been working for Smith's for over 15 yrs now!!
  17. That and we have a bunch of VW parts we were saving for this build!
  18. Don't let me discourage you.......I like the idea. I just don't think you thought it through.
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