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Everything posted by SandBox_Kid

  1. That's what I was thinkin'....that...and don't sleep too sound at night pops!!
  2. How do you know it'll fit with the cage that's in there now? Where's the radiator going to go? I agree especially since they are fairly cheap.
  3. That's hard to forget for us.....we are always havin' fun. Well at least we try. :redhat:
  4. Just wait till you have a blood test and they refer you to a liver specialist....luckily when that happened to me they said it was a fluke (after a going back 4 times over a year). :redhat:
  5. Here's a couple from johnnytaco. He and his buddy (Lance Magin) were out testing the race explorer when this guy in another wanna be race truck (I say that looking at the roll bar that almost killed them) clipped their rear axle on a dually! I don't know how those guys didn't get their heads crushed!!
  6. Perfect....I have 4 :redhat: ...3 that I can bring in....the other is a '69 w/ SB 400!! I am getting tired of the BS at Fairway and the wait.
  7. Do I have to take my :redhat: back to the dealer I bought from....or will you guys take it in. I really like the idea of you peeps taken care of my chit!
  8. Touching someone else's stereo is breaking a cardinal rule! "Toucha my stereo and I breaka u hands!!"
  9. I got the pics today from johnnytaco today... We started out by purchasing a class 11 cage from Nevada Off Road....then a shelled out VW from johnnytaco. These were taken at johnnytaco's place: Front end before cutting.... .....and after. Rear end before cutting.... ...and after. Test fitting the fiberglass front end. Then we tacked the cage in place with the body on... ...then took it off and completed the welds. This is where we wen't beyond what the class 11 kit provided. We went with side bars and beards..... ...rear supports... ..and here's a rare one with fctryblack84 actually working...atta boy!! Then we started working from the front out to the beam... I think it's going to be killer when we're done....and this is our (fctryblack84 and me) first one! :redhat: Not too bad for rookies!
  10. You almost made it to the bottom of the bottle..... :redhat:
  11. Nice car. I've always wanted one of those. Scott, is all this waiting killin' ya?
  12. ...and you might get a test ride in that killer rail that's going to be in Glamis....
  13. <---- me, the sarcastic smartass roosting the turned over pot with my rail!!!
  14. You haven't seen enough politics to know better....but you're right....besides that's how your pops makes $$.
  15. I agree with the ambiguity. All I could make out of it is that it opens things up to more management which means political red tape to me.....and I'm pretty sure it's the "foot in the door" concept revealing the beginning of more regulation to come. Thanks for the heads up, I look forward to clarity on the river definitions and the entire issue at whole. I forsee the requirement of a bridge coming soon.
  16. I found this online....it defines wild and scenic rivers in CA.
  17. What is the difference between a recreational river, a scenic river and a wild river....it seems strange that they want to break the same river into different defined types. ...and the maps they speak of....I didn't see any on that site.
  18. ...and they didn't figure out what they were doing wrong after the 2nd person?
  19. Post some pics of the cage we put in....
  20. Yes.....nada puts that bike around $3500.....
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