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Everything posted by SandBox_Kid

  1. That part seems a little effed up to. :shocked2:
  2. I hear it's a long waiting list and most customers keep coming back because of quality!! NICE! :shocked2:
  3. Terry......who is the maker of the frame?
  4. That's a fantastic motor. Lot's of torque. I have two of them myself. However, you probably should run a large radiator as one of mine, bored 60 over, runs hot if you sit in traffic here in Vegas. Good luck....and be safe.
  5. I thought that is what an ecoterrorist was. Someone who used the eco-life in attempt to close down all OHV areas.
  6. Yeah....with a whole 2" of travel compared to 12". That's almost like me jumping my standard travel rail and expecting to go as BIG as OGPimp or JoeDuner did on Easter weekend. I still can't get that outa my head...Joe going huge and Tiim going almost vertical!!
  7. The technology has afforded the skill. I still give props to Evel for having a bigger sack!! Besides Metzger just did a 110' jump with a backflip at the X-Games. -_- How often are these guys jumping 100' gaps? I wanna see BIGGER!!
  8. I thought I heard ESPN and ESPN HD......
  9. I'm going to catch it on TV....I can just imagine the tourist count at Ceasar's.
  10. Is that during memorial day weekend?
  11. I can see that happening.....they probably cleared the whole road!! If I'm not helping out my buddy in the pits, I think I'm going to attend also!!
  12. Sorry Ragdoll. I have to agree with Don on this one. Those boys have lost it..... Nice smilie Don!!!
  13. SandBox_Kid


    I'd have to agree with that also. 12 gauge rounds come in all shapes and sizes.......and they won't go through everything before stopping. Especially if you have around 18" barrel with a pistol grip.... Good for tight quarters and nice spread for sleepy eyes.
  14. SandBox_Kid


    I don't know why either....but I definetly don't feel comfortable advertising what I have. Just preference I guess......just be sure that I'm packing and I am not going to make an easy victim.
  15. There's some pics at this site also.
  16. I went up to Salt Lake for a week long training course and we had to get sponsored to purchase the weak a$$ beer that they are peddling up there.
  17. Good news. My buddy has a pair of 6" KC HID's that he is willing to sell for $400. They normally retail at $800 and have only been used once on his old race truck. I'm hoping they are in great condition.......so lazer's might be out!
  18. That's funny. You sent him back to the site that was harrassing him about the trip.
  19. Nice rail. At the risk of asking a stupid question: What does EPO stand for? I have been seeing that on GD.com and was wondering. There's nothing like the sound of a healthy V8. Personally the next rail I go with will be Honda or Subie. With gas the way it's going my budget would be out the door with a V8.
  20. I hear ya....I get the willie's when I roll into the small towns after 6pm. We stopped in one on our way to Powell and you would have thought we were in the twilight zone.
  21. Well now his choice of truck makes more sense to me now. I had no idea Chevy made an AWD pickup.
  22. No...family comes first in our house. I had to back out even though I hate doing that. If I was going, fctryblack84 and I would have been wherever we were needed to support my buddies team.
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