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Everything posted by SandBox_Kid

  1. Don't sweat it......I just got the parts I need and we are going....and will have a small BBQ. I got the burgers Pete...how many should I bring? I really don't think all the shouting is necessary....it's only Monday for Pete's sake... Just kidding Pete......, but I don't think this qualifies as a STEP UP kinda thing......I got the meat right here!!
  2. Hmmmm........I......think I'm going to pass on this one.
  3. I hear ya there...I thought I would at least take a SWAG at it..... You know the old question in IT...what has changed since it did work, and it seems as though a lot has changed in his setup.
  4. Mother nature at her best....pretty cool.
  5. Yeah....tell me and ISBB about it!! It's starting to sound like the Lazer's are out.....
  6. Are you running XP SP2? Could this have anything to do with the firewall included in SP2? Just a guess.
  7. Yes...I'd like to look at all the options......and money is an object here. I'll wait to see what DuneFreak has to say.......... I currently have 2, but they suck! As far as the vision issues, I have to eliminate all of my excuses first!! I'm reading that a total of 100w on a VW alternator is all that is recommended....I also heard that the 100w ones blow bulbs too much because of the heat. If I do go with the lazer stars, I'm thinking 4 50w units should work..... ...but of course I'm a newbie at most of this, so I am always open to critique...thanks for the input.
  8. After the last night ride at Dumont.....I was like a with the current lighting setup that I have. I am shopping around and looking at the 50w lazer stars......but have a couple of questions. Should I get the spots or floods....or both? How much juice will they suck up.
  9. NICE!!! A little justice is served!! :smiley:
  10. I'm hoping to be there....I just can't commit until after this weekend. If I do go, you're more than welcome to utilize the grill. ...and I'll end up bringing something on the list too. I just don't want to say "yeah I'm in" and then have to back out......
  11. Me too....all this talk about dunes is totally killing my productivity off!!!
  12. I live in that area....and I hate thieves. I've been a victim 2 times over .......did anyone catch the color on that Manx that was on the trailer? Fktryblack84 (my kid) has lots of off roading teens/young adults that hang in that area too!!!
  13. Me and the kid (fktryblack84) were just talking about Randog's ride. That is a serious contender on my list for the next rail, but I still have plenty-o-time to shop.
  14. Good question.....anyone?
  15. It didn't hurt my feelings either....dunes is dunes....as long as I make it there and back!!
  16. My agent in Vegas told me that I had to have my rail vin'd in order to insure it. Did you have the same problem? Or are those LT high $$$ rails already vin'd?
  17. Well that answers my question....shows how much pops listens to his boy!! At least I got half of the details right!!
  18. That's what fctryblack84 told me when we were rolling out....I was too busy watching the road. I'll have to call him on it....but with the way he was talking it sounded just like what you described. Anyone get any pictures....it would be a good "scared straight" kind of reminder.
  19. My son caught a glimpse of a rail that was charred when we left Sunday mid-morning.....he said it looked like it rolled 50 times!!
  20. Thanks for the tip...I have been using multi-weight and will switch over to 30w.... I paid extra for the cooling tin under the heads....I think that's the one you are talking about. I'll have to look closer.
  21. Thanks for the offer....I need to get velocity stacks and plan to purchase a meter that drops into them at the same time. I'll keep it in mind, but at this point I have no idea how to use one.....I have a couple of Weber books though and need to do my homework before screwing around.
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