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Everything posted by SandBox_Kid

  1. 2 tattoos and 0 piercings..... both tatts are on my upper arms....working on getting another soon.
  2. Same here.....I'm near the Hollywood/Lake Mead area. Have any pictures of the Manx....it might be helpful.
  3. Awwww.....now that's love!
  4. He was lucky enough to have the skill to stab the throttle at the right time. :hug:
  5. Now you brought up another sore subject that should probably be the start of another thread...... Just this weekend at Amargosa one of our riders hit one of those abandoned kiddy tracks and she broke her wrist in 3 places!! :headbang: Ouch!! .....and she wasn't going over 10mph. This one was the end of our close calls with kiddy tracks.....I can't count how many close calls we've had with those booby traps! I have no problem with taped off kiddy tracks...but don't be so lazy as to leave it as is when you roll up and go home. After that incident I noticed a bunch of kiddy tracks left by kids and more importantly their parents......doesn't seem very responsible to me either! :headbang: When my kid was that age I made sure I took a shovel out and buried the berms and ruts before going home.....and NO my kid never played on the fingers when he was that small. I'm not willing to take stupid chances with his life.
  6. I'm definitly in for some PINK!!
  7. We just did our whole house....it was a mess but it looks good now. We were lucky though...if there's no paint on the popcorn a little water will allow you to scrape it right off. Either way....BIG improvement already.
  8. We have the carpet too....but that stays home when we go to the dunes.
  9. Looks good....now you need to kilz that nasty stained ceiling!
  10. Our son still hasn't forgiven us for the "falling rock" story we fed him!!
  11. I agree. I try to pack out more than I pack in.
  12. Daaaayyyyuuuumm!!! Sweet a$$ trailer and hauler too!
  13. I was wondering what was up with the TV thread and why it keeps coming to the top. Knowing you guys I should have checked it out earlier......... Now that's FUNNY!! I was thinking ISBB should put that in his new toy hauler right next to the outdoor $hitter!!
  14. Yes it is....but when big kids mix in with the little kids it's obvious who's going to get hurt. It still doesn't make it cool to tape off the dunes.....no matter how you twist it.
  15. ....and you're all better now right? How did the stick and sponge work out!!! :shocked2:
  16. Do you have to ride on an asphalt road to get to the dunes? I wouldn't want to mess up the paddles too badly....what's the scoop on campground proximity and access to sand?
  17. I have to agree....you shouldn't be taping off any dunes for yourself....the flats are different. You are asking for it if you have little kids playing on the dune. Why not let them play in the street.....just tape it off.:shocked2: No disrespect intended.
  18. Let me pad my posts too!! I'm close to 60!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
  19. Did you get the DVD/R with that?
  20. Is it all that you hoped it would be?
  21. This might be a little off topic, but for the first time at Amargosa there was actually a vendor, sand crazd, on Sat March 4.....they left that day and returned with toys to ride on Sun. I can't imagine they sold much. They had Dumont shirts that I tried to talk them down on, only because we were at Amargosa. They weren't going for it!!!
  22. You spend most of your time at work looking at pictures of the sand.... You spend most of your time on the internet looking at satellite photos trying to spot a new sand dune....somewhere....anywhere..... It's only been 3 days....and I'm craving the dunes.
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