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Everything posted by SandBox_Kid

  1. Our drink was Big Gulp Slurpee (coke flavored) with Jack Daniels...... DISCLAIMER: Kids don't try this yourself........like they'll listen.
  2. We have a small group that will be at Amargosa the weekend of 3/4 then the next weekend will be at LVMS...for the races...all weekend.
  3. THANK YOU....I'm class of '86 out of So Cal...moved here after graduation.....but I sure am NOT OLD. :blush: You're as young as you think you are.
  4. I don't know about you...but I do know that smokers can't normally smell how bad it is like us non-smokers do. I can smell it on my clothes from just being around smokers. You're smeller is just improving because you quit....for your health I hope you get to see the bewbies!! :blush:
  5. Does anyone know what the stats were for the head count? How many people were there?
  6. I can't believe some of the stuff people take up comp.....call me a chicken$hit, but my tow vehicle is my way to and from the dunes......I would hate to roll a new truck effen around on the dunes.
  7. That really bummed us out.....it was easy to find our camp near the big gay balloon! After it went down....night riding back to camp was a challenge. I hope you guys get it back up and running. Sorry I missed the ride also.......maybe next time.....I think my little sandsprite will keep up with some of you. I was within walking distance of the DDR camp and kick myself in the a$$ for not coming over and introducing myself. We'll have to party next time.
  8. I've been jonesin' all week for the dunes.....this weekend can't come soon enough....I wonder if the boss noticed? It's getting harder to focus.......
  9. Wish we could afford the HILL, but if you look down, outside of the backstretch....we'll be there, as usual, all weekend partying with a group from Idaho with a traveling bar!!
  10. I'm puttin' the final maintenance touches on the rail and hope to make the ride also!
  11. No pics...but I have a 25' Ragen' I pull with a 2500HD and I fit 1 Raptor 350 and a SandSprite IV mid engine rail in the trailer and another Blaster in the back of the truck....with the usual BBQ, coolers, firewood....etc.
  12. Nice rides....mine isn't much to look at but it is a blast in the sand..... :rainbow1:
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