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Everything posted by SandBox_Kid

  1. It would be nice if Dumont can get in on some of this. Click
  2. Do you mean Michael or his brother Daryl who is announcing? Daryl was awful quiet during the Bristol race with throat issues!!!
  3. No....I'm sure there are others around here who couldn't care less about NASCAR.....but there are some of us who do care.
  4. We were thinking the same thing!!
  5. Very nice. Those small boxes....are they the uppers for the rollaways, or middle sections?
  6. If that's a rant....those are the only kind I'd like to moderate. Nice bike!
  7. We had a great time...even though I missed Pauly's party. I was hurtin pretty good by Sat night from the toyhauler mattress and decided it would be best to stick to camp and :6pak:. Next time fo shizzle. Observations: - This was our first cleanup and I thought our crew did well...... 12 bags worth....and a couple of carpets. - "Golf ball!!!" I think we found 7 or 8 of those things everywhere. - Lindsay who? :chug: I think Anna even forgot for a minute! - Scoring a trophy for the most unusual item was kinda cool. That was actually my first trophy ever. - The bonus was winning a LED whip in the raffle. - I actually made it to the meet and greet, and there's photographic evidence. - Toyhauler mattresses could cause a person to need a hip replacement! HRP (pronounced herpie) Hip Replacement Program. I woke up Sat morning and almost fell right back down when I put pressure on my left leg. Getting older sucks. - Following my wife in the rail while she led a really nice ride on the Raptor behind comp kicks a$$!!!!!! Right on babe.....I'm proud of you. - Hearing the wife say "I really love that bike and had a great time" more than once is priceless. - Wind.....a necessary evil. - Duniemonkie needs to check before socking a guy in the trophy next time. I knew I put that trophy in my back pocket for a reason. It was nice seeing some familiar faces throughout the weekend, and it was good meeting some new folks too. The rail ran sweet and the dunes were nice and smooth all weekend. There were lots of free give aways and the prizes were very nice. Thanks again DDR!!
  8. I never noticed....I try not to listen to him because he seems to be crying all the time. Now that you say it I'll pay more attention.
  9. No chit. I have 16,000 records to load and script to write to process that data.
  10. I'm guessing the snow pics are from Duck Creek and the others are Zion.
  11. I hear ya on that. I was feeling the same way at our second to last concert there....I think it was Megadeath! On our last event there we bought tickets in the VIP section up top. Waaaay worth it. You could walk right up to the bar with no lines if you didn't want to wait for the cocktail waitress. We picked our seats for Tesla on the front row up top and it was a blast. We even got to see some drunk focker get a beat down from security!!
  12. I can only imagine the line to get in if they started that.
  13. I do try to support the small local businesses. That's one reason Wal-Mart is not on my list of stores to shop in. I knew the markup was bad.....I just didn't realize how bad until I needed a part and did some price comparisons.
  14. pssst. Some of us are techies.....and have scanners too.
  15. At least I showed some proof of their ripoff prices.
  16. ....and the weekly passes purchased prior were applied to the final price.
  17. We saw the same forecast and decided a windy day at Dumont is better than a good day at home. Stickers can be purchased online here. Click
  18. I know. I know. "We already know they're a ripoff Gerald." I thought this would be interesting though...to see how much of a ripoff they really are. I needed a new right upper a-arm for the Raptor 700 and decided to put them to the test. A new right upper A-arm at RideNow costs: ....and at more than one Yamaha parts dealer online the cost for the same exact part is: .....and from Thumpertalk.com the price was $150. Now I'm no mathematician, but isn't that close to a 50% markup? That's a $70 markup on the same exact part. Thanks RideNow for making it blazingly obvious that your big corporation is ripping off the little guy....and don't worry about the sh*tty attitude you gave us when we went in for assistance finding the part. I think they figured I would pay more for bad service. It's not like they had the part in stock either. They had to order it and couldn't guarantee it would make it here by Fri. What is it with part suppliers in this town? Like Nevada Off Road, RideNow is running a tie as far as losers. Thanks thumpertalk....I'll have the part tomorrow and not have to change it out in the dunes.
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