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Everything posted by SandBox_Kid

  1. I read an article a while back that detailed that same information. It even stated that there have been several documented minor temperature shifts with the Earth over the past century. They are just blowing it up like usual. The ever growing fish story. The media hyped each and every one of them. We went from global-warming to global-cooling and then back again many times over. I could have sworn with the media hype we were headed for an ice age in the 70's. However, I am not saying that we don't have a pollution issue though.
  2. If you go with what the BLM's website states under Rules and Regulations (which is the same that Pete posted here) the answer would be no if I'm reading this right:
  3. No. It only proves you paid taxes here. Utah and Ca won't honor it.
  4. We'll be doing that this May!
  5. That's a trick question Cheese.... The answer would be none. If it was a proper DDR beer raid then there would be zero beer left.
  6. My brother-in-law did that for a couple of years here in Vegas.
  7. Man all this talk about $$$ tires makes me feel better. Mine were under $500 for a pair!!!
  8. I still break out laughing for no apparent reason!!!
  9. The first 3 series of pics are perfect. <----I went from "hmmmmm a train wreck" <----to "Haaaa.....that's funny" <----to BUWAHAHAHAHAHA fuggin circus hilarious" I laughed for 30 mins straight. Put up the "adult" gallery and only pass the "word" to those old enough. Looks like I made it into one of those porn pics in the magazines!!!!! Thanks for the goooooood times Cole. I have now completed my son's training thanks to you. Now life will seem a little more dull after this. I say someone orders the "kiddie jumping gym" next time. :dance: <---- we need one for the midget now!!
  10. I have to agree totally. It could have been that this guy was practicing road rage himself by excersizing one ot these examples already given....... I can't count how many effers speed up on my a$$ when I attempt to pass their slow a$$ driving. Why do they suddenly speed up after 10 miles of me on your a$$......why speed up now? I sometimes think folks do that deliberatly because they don't know how to curb their anger, and they want to pass on their bad day to the rest of us....and to continue to harbor this anger even after chasing someone down.......hmmmm. Sounds like uncontrolled rage to me. What we need is more bratwurst stands along the side of the road.
  11. Corporate Pete is back! :gayboy:
  12. By definition the road is graded....and as the BLM guy said that's all it'll ever be. Paving costs outta this world.....imagine the complaining we'd get if we had to fund that. All this talk about grading make me want a quesadilla.....Mmmmm. Definately gotta add a good messican food place there while your putting in that Subway and bratwurst stand.
  13. I'm glad you said it first. I think it's going to be hilarious!!!
  14. I may be there. I'm skipping tonight's meeting and attending tomorrow's since I'll be in Henderson around that time anyways.
  15. No way. Funny how truck moved forward quite a few feet on it's own power after the 1st pull.
  16. Correct on the caring thing. I also stopped reading that dumb thread a while ago. Besides I am having IIS problems......3 word whatever. :chug:
  17. I could care less.......but it does entertain some.
  18. Your last post at GD......yesterday. Here's the reply quote........when I click on it to reply. [quote name='richard cheese' date='Jan 28 2008, 02:32 AM' post='2611324'] bump for a HILARIOUS thread [/quote]
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