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Everything posted by SandBox_Kid

  1. We have an older Olympus....which has been very good to us, and has some of the features that SandPirates2 is talking about. View finder as well as the whatever you call the little window like a standard camera. Simple settings Runs on regular batteries as well as a pack....so it's universal.
  2. Sorry.....although I will keep my eye out for ya if you like.
  3. Photobucket works good for that too.
  4. We'll be there Fri - Mon.....should be great. It's been since Vets day, and I'm getting grumpy. Sand fix here I come!!
  5. I'll second that. However I have framed and can build that house.
  6. Where is this rule about what hills can be ridden by what types of vehicles? I'll ask my question again..... Since when?
  7. :shoot: Thanks Pete. I see once again you are fighting the good fight. You're right. Dumont sucks because of fees. Go to Glamis. Have fun. We'll just have to deal with Dumont. The agenda items for the fee increase and how last years funds were spent has passed some time ago. Therefore: The time to complain about how the money was spent last year has passed. The time to complain about the fee increase has also passed. There were plenty of opportunities to be heard. The time was set aside to deal with these issues. They were dealt with, and now it's time to move forward. It's funny that the complaints sky rocketed once it hit the wallet. Asleep at the wheel? Perhaps. If you want to complain the public forum that the BLM offers (TRT meetings) is the correct place to do just that. Exercise your right to complain and show up to the next meeting. Get the explanation directly from the BLM yourselves. No need to beat this dead horse on DDR over and over. There are new issues to face. Another fight is upon us like the lizards. Every meeting has a publicized agenda, so you know what the topics are ahead of time. There is no conspiracy here by the BLM to spend ooodles of our money frivolously. After going to a meeting I am convinced they are trying their best to be a good custodian with Dumont.....with our input, which they wouldn't get very much of if it wasn't for folks like Terry, Vicki and others that serve or just attend as "public". I hear so many folks that are concerned, but don't seem willing to stand up where it counts.......at the meetings. When we mention attending the meetings....it's becomes a lynch mob at times. Funny.....the folks defending the process and BLM are the ones that actually got involved and went to "check out" what goes on in the meetings.
  8. Banshee hill is only for quads?
  9. Partial conspiracy....partial truth. Soon to someday become total truth. IMO "If you say it enough, people will believe it is true. Then before you know it. It is."
  10. I can't believe you all missed this one. :worthless_without_pics: Dunefreak is looking for some good 2 wheeler pics.........
  11. Whenever that happens.....I'm putting the link in my signature to make it easier to copy and paste!!!
  12. I was thinking the same thing. :beer_bang: Why don't you guys use the gridmap to at least get a general area?
  13. It works in NASCAR.....so it must work on the open road!! :beer_bang:
  14. I need to get a set for the front on my truck, and I plan to do it this weekend. If you can save me a couple of $ that would be great.
  15. Uhhhhhh we had sex ed in 5th grade.....and I graduated over 20 years ago.....so that isn't recent. Thank you for all of that. It's everything I wanted to say, but didn't have the patience to..... ....and with that.....I'm closing this down. Unless Pete or Nick decide top re-open this dang topic!!!
  16. Can you apply the new header to the skin? I'd like to go back to it......
  17. I would recommend looking over the info on this page..... http://www.dumontduneriders.com/dumont_info.html ....especially the rules and etiquette stuff. Good info for new folks to Dumont.
  18. Got it now. I was using the Nick Test skin cause I liked the rounded corners............. I kill myself. That looks bada$$, but I think those quads are gonna wreck!
  19. Wow....I can see it when I log out, but when I log back in......it's back to the old one. Looks good! I'll call Billy Gates and ask him to get my PC fixed pronto!!!!
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