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Everything posted by SandBox_Kid

  1. I'm still seeing the old one....even after cleaning up all temp files, cookies and history too. I'll see it at home....not time to deal w/ the effen work computer. Who knows what changes are pushed to this PC at night.
  2. Looks and sounds like some of the topics around here! I remember that dang fog on the 99....used to drive from LA to Sacramento all the time.
  3. Talk to the guy that started that thread.
  4. Has to be.....this is sandrail talk afterall. I'm not a chick....but my boots are clamped on with regular hose clamps, but I don't have CV's.
  5. It also depends on the size of your tank.
  6. I'm sure a paying customer could change his mind also!
  7. I'm getting one of these and putting it on a spear in front of the toys. I'll be sure to keep it well lit.
  8. I was looking for Nebraska. I read somewhere that Nebraska has one dune complex that is approx 19,000 sq. miles! http://www.uwsp.edu/geo/projects/geoweb/pa...s/SandHills.HTM
  9. Would it fit in a mid-engine configuration or rear?
  10. Lord loves a workin' man; don't trust whitey; see a doctor and get rid of it. Good Lord - I've heard about this - cat juggling! I slit the sheet, the sheet I slit, and on the slitted sheet I sit.
  11. BADASS!!!!! The only thing missing is a shield to keep the passenger feet off of the pedals!! Is this model going to be offered with another powerplant other than the hayabusa?
  12. That's too bad. I still see him attempting to talk smack about DDR on another site. It's obvious from the replies nobody agrees with him though. Talk about MIA.....I haven't seen the dunes since Vet's day.
  13. Let's make this interesting and dune related: Which state in the US has the most dunes?
  14. The "Z" and "Y" keys are pretty far apart....and if you type you use a different hand for each.
  15. You can get 12v outta 2 6v batteries. JoeDuner posted a wiring diagram somewhere around here.
  16. Chit.....7-8 beers is a primer.
  17. There is speculation that during load the splines fail to plunge when necessary.......
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