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Everything posted by SandBox_Kid

  1. Our first trip with the rail we went with these guys.... I forget who they were but you can call the number. Great customer service too!!
  2. What disease did cured ham actually have?
  3. Why do you have to "put your two cents in".. but it's only a "penny for your thoughts"? Where's that extra penny going to?
  4. :rant_on: You don't even want to get me started on CCSD and how some of the staff there should be working at the DMV. Don't let them make you less than you are....don't let them kill your spirit. I've spoken with way too many CCSD employees with a sh*tty attitude....and they are putting that off on our children. Your job is a noble one...the reward is the teaching in itself. If you can't afford the lifestyle you want while teaching then find another job. I believe that was your advise to the Wal-Mart workers..... .....and yes my son was in private school (some of us can afford it), but I thought going back to public school would be good for him. You know they get real clicky in private shool. WRONG.....CCSD turned their back on us. "No child left behind my a$$".
  5. For those of you who have a FORD >>Click<<
  6. It may have a chance of getting it rolling, but could you imagine trying to stop that bad boy!!
  7. Awesome? It takes an IQ measured in vacuum to do that kind of dumbass stuff.....
  8. We sent Jon to that also. Good stuff.....
  9. ...and as long as my wife's job and benefits are threatened and never increased since Wal Mart opened the Corner Markets (3 years now) I'll never shop there. :beer_bang:
  10. In my house if you don't stop annoying me you'll get :jester2: or :beer_bang:
  11. Well when you fill them up with gas he'll use them.......you gotta watch wingnut. :beer_bang:
  12. A couple off the top of my list: Life by the Drop (Stevie Ray Vaughn) You're Gonna Miss me When I'm Dead and Gone (Muddy Waters) Stealin' (Telsa) Bridge of Sighs (Robin Trower) B!tch (Rolling Stones) Raped and Freezin' (Alice Cooper) Rooster (Alice in Chains) My Own Prison (Creed) Space Truckin' (2 versions: Deep Purple and Tesla) Stupify (Disturbed) I Feel Good (James Brown......Good God!) Little Wing (Jimi Hendrix ) Thank You (2 versions: Led Zeppelin and Tesla) Black (Pearl Jam) Give It Away (Red Hot Chilli Peppers) 2112 (Rush) Put Your Lights On (Santana) Big Empty (Stone Temple Pilots) ....and the list goes on....
  13. I'll pitch in a hundy.....for bail that is.
  14. I have smoothies on my rail and it seems to turn fine.
  15. Thanks for clarifying that cheese....I deleted my response many times. :chug: I don't shop there for any reason. I don't care how much money I could save. I try and support small local businesses.....you know the ones that are put outta business by Walmarts...... :chug: I guess it's easier for some to just say "Not my problem".......ugggggg
  16. Nice! After all the running I did in the service....the only time I run now is to save my butt!!! :chug: However, I wouldn't have made it too far past the starting line because of the tasty looking beer place right next to it!! :chug:
  17. :chug: I was just thinking the same thing. Two wrongs don't make a right....and someone could get seriously hurt or killed from that.
  18. Those stats are why we haven't shopped Wal-Mart in years. They are anti-American. :chug:
  19. I'm waiting to hear how they hold up to some dune runs..... :chug:
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