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Everything posted by SandBox_Kid

  1. <--- had one of these myself....
  2. One of my childhood heroes and personal favorites as far as daredevils go.....has passed away. Full story RIP Evil.
  3. It's looking pretty good. They stated the dr's did an EEG and found it was "Text Book". Which is a good sign for brain activity.
  4. Geeez Bob....I think we all agreed on the other points. It's just the dumpster issue can get like kiddie tracks or staking of finger dunes....and I don't want to debate those topics in this thread. I'm glad they are stepping it up at Glamis, as it makes for a good example at what might work at Dumont. Just like the dumpsters set another example by looking at the experience Glamis has had with them. Oh yeah.....pack it in, pack it out!
  5. I guess I'm lucky when it comes to my spot on the couch. When I come in my son already asks if I want my spot.
  6. Good luck....hope you make it on the crew!
  7. I agree with sandassassin. All good stuff there. Especially the plate, bowl, glass and utensils. Don't buy paper and plastic....he would just leave that chit around and get another for the next meal. This way he'll have to wash it out if he wants to prepare another meal....and don't forget the single pan to cook that Ramen in. I have also made some good $$$ replacing doors that parents have removed in the heat of the same thing you're doing. That seemed effective, and you could save yourself the $$$ by taking it down and storing it somewhere. Good luck.....
  8. BLM....you can find it here on their site. click I posted Pete's because he put some hard work into bringing that info here, but it says the same things on the bottom portion of the page.
  9. The problem is that if everybody did it could you imagine how bad it could get? Everyone doesn't take care of their tanks as well as some.
  10. You know.....he's ^^^^^^^ on to something. There is a lot of sand out there.
  11. Dayyyyuuum! I won those same ones too!
  12. Because you have the same sickness the rest of us do!
  13. I personally don't like some of the things I am reading about them. Especially when it comes to safety.....I've heard too much about the welds to feel comfortable.
  14. Uhhhh.....yeah.....I am taking care of it. I spend at least $30 a day on bandages for just 2 changeouts.
  15. It's all good.....I was considered a low-life in my youth also because I had long hair and played I actually prefer for folks to show their true colors.....like when I went toyhauler shopping. I never dress up on my time and some salesmen won't even approach me because of that. I went through a few dealers before a nice salesman at Johnny Walker's didn't judge me by appearance. When they show their colors like that....right off the bat.....then I know right away who I can count on and who I can't.
  16. "Our" side. If we keep dividing ourselves then how will we come together for a common goal.....like Dumont?
  17. "Of course. How sssselfish of me. Let's do all the things that YOU wanna do." j/k
  18. That is probably because you were cashing in a pass that was current for the weekend......and Pete got his info from the lady at the BLM who deals with the passes. I wish more folks could have come to the TRT meeting....all this info was discussed in detail.
  19. >>Old topic on stripper pole<<
  20. I'll let you know tomorrow after a visit to the wound care center.......
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