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Everything posted by SandBox_Kid

  1. Exaaaactly why I'm not falling for that either.
  2. I say.....let the community here speak their mind. None of the rules have been broken, and it's good when these folks hear how the rest of us feel about Dumont.
  3. At the TRT meeting they were saying that it would be too confusing to allow the vendors to do the "credit for previous passes", so the BLM is the only way to get that done.
  4. Well stated Vicki. As always I appreciate your input. I don't understand why people have such a hard time packing out what they packed in.
  5. Well stated cheese! Here's a funny website knocking on billers...... >>Click<<
  6. Mmmmm beef jerky. I like teriyaki!! It's the right thing to do....for a place we love to recreate at.
  7. We could all use a good price on parts....please post the link.
  8. What.....too close to lunch for you? Mmmmmm strawberries and cream!! I have been going to the Dr......yesterday was the 2 week follow up and he wasn't happy.......
  9. I went to the dr yesterday feeling like things were healing good because of the serious amount of itching that was going on. I have been taking extreme care when tending to this injury because I fear infection. Well the look on his face was not good. Looks like I'm off to a wound care center now. It looks like the hair folicles are pushing out of the wound.....around 1/8" at this point, and are very hard! Looks just like a strawberry doesn't it.......
  10. One of the guys here at the County does this every year also. His website has all the details..... >>Click here<<
  11. I can't count how many times I have had to stop and wait for someone on a bike/quad to look in the direction he/she is going and realize they are running through our group.....or on a collision course for me in my rail. It's comical to see the reaction when they realize what's up. Safety is everyone's job unless you're ok with putting your life in everyone else's hands....
  12. The incredible ballooning story...... :dance: I wonder why?
  13. I hate it too...you're definately not alone. This year I may get lucky....the leg injury may put my son at the point for outside decorations.
  14. Someone with more money than sense. If they had any they would have a flag.
  15. That sucks. I'm pretty sure my group thinks I'm paranoid about locking my stuff up all the time. Times are getting tough. We've had 2 car break-ins on my block in the past 2 weeks.
  16. Looks nice. You should show the billet parts you milled for your Sand Sprite.
  17. I know someone who bought one of those....but a little bit bigger.
  18. I hear ya there. I actually had work call me when I was turning onto the 127 in Baker. Luckily I have no service in Dumont....and like it that way.
  19. Jack Daniels is a good one....but for me it's about getting together with family and friends. I am thankful I have them.
  20. Let us know if any of those are good....I would be interested in listening in on my scanner once in a while also.
  21. 1/2 cord fills my SB Chevy if it's neatly stacked.
  22. ...and I have a hard time spending my time looking for it. I actually used to do that over on my side of town near the Metro shooting range. But now it's a convenience I don't mind paying for it since my spare time is precious.
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