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Everything posted by SandBox_Kid

  1. :shout: I'm also planning to be there. Not sure if I'll be going from Dumont or from Vegas.
  2. They had a bike race Sunday Oct 7th also....
  3. True statement right there....and that's sad.
  4. I would like to reiterate what rpost said: ....as it takes a special person to be able to read through the mountains of legal jargon that you guys do, as well as taking the unecessary reactions from some angry duners when they hear the news that you folks deliver. I would like to ask rpost one question without it being taken as an attack.....concerning the following statement: Am I reading into that wrong, or is that an unethical statement? Money should never take precedence over moral principles and values. ......just wondering.
  5. No. I think all of the grandparents are in too much shock at this time to even think about something like that.
  6. That sucks to hear about the wreck. I'm glad he's going to survive. Hang in there Charlie! Hoping for a speedy recovery for ya!
  7. I just got the call a minute ago. Justin's wife was found dead in her bed this morning......... I have no other details at this point and am speechless.
  8. :freakin_nuts: It's the state income tax that we don't pay.
  9. Come on. You can't post a story like you did without taking a little ribbing!! :freakin_nuts:
  10. You might be on to something there..... :freakin_nuts:
  11. A good friend of mine told me about the garage. His mother-in-law lives next door to ya......I didn't realize the sickness was that bad. Looks spotless.
  12. If it's the Blaster...check this out. Click I don't think you can get better instruction without someone standing over your shoulder.
  13. When I bought my OHV pass and my weekly pass for kick-off weekend they were charging accordingly. $25 for OHV's and $20 for the weekly. More details please.
  14. I woke up today thinking it was Thurs......which would be my Fri.
  15. I actually have it apart at this time......but it will be going back together soon. It's really gonna burn him when he hears that my neighbor GAVE it to me. He actually told me I was doing him the favor. Of course I had to run the VIN because it was too good to be true. :fro_smokin:
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