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Everything posted by SandBox_Kid

  1. my little 70! Had to put it off for a little while, but now I'm ready to finish it. I have cool black plastics for it. 3-wheelers are allowed in this thread right?
  2. Come on Dan....he just said that.
  3. ......I know that feeling. I used to be a Aerospace Support Equipment mechanic (any equipment hooked to an aircraft) in the service and always told myself that "someday I'll be able to afford for someone else to fix my stuff!" Luckily lately I've only had to take care of my toys.
  4. Ok. Just makin' sure....cause you made it sound like you cook and clean for a family of 5......
  5. You can't just take the good and leave the bad. Dealing with grease is part of the game, that's why I mentioned packing wheel bearings. Besides, if your house chores look like that list....you aren't getting any help are you? In my house everyone chips in.
  6. You'd rather pack wheel bearings and change oil than do the dishes?
  7. No, they are actually $25 now. I paid for on before the kick off weekend.
  8. Calling someone a freak is still a personal attack....even if it's a weak one.
  9. Pretty cool....that's a sport that definately takes some cojones!
  10. That's funny Don. How's the view anyways?
  11. Come on Cheese...you know better! I haven't witnessed or seen a good TP'ing in years!
  12. There is a guy on GD from over there......who posts duning pics. They have some LT rails and stuff.
  13. Amargosa is looking good.....can't wait till Halloween!!!! (God I need another fix) Glad there were no injuries!
  14. I can get a life-long non-resident sticker for my toys? No need to buy one every year?
  15. You can do that....but I honestly don't think it will help.
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