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Everything posted by SandBox_Kid

  1. So, you'll take under 2 pages then? j/k When we rolled in around 11:30am on Fri the rangers were just setting up. They told my son to come back later....I already bought my pass at Nevada Off Road and was just given the thumbs up. My son went down later that day and picked up his.
  2. It's all good. Some of us do come in from the 15, but the Pahrump way is a little quicker. It just has less services. They end up coming in from the opposite end of the 127 via Shoshone or Tecopa.
  3. Coming from the direction he is, he'd have to pass Dumont and go into Baker.
  4. Yep. Saw a bunch of them at Primm when we stopped for fuel.
  5. I walked up and introduced myself to you........again. Cole was getting in the car....I think you were going out after Sand~~Snake did his table top.
  6. I don't understand why they don't take advantage of the possible business revenue the duners could bring them. Oh well. I feel the same way.....especially since I have the 6.0l gasser....I am happy to make it up and over. My truck usually cycles between 35 and 50 at the worst part. Ironically I pull the same speed full or empty on water also.
  7. Ok...unless Pete wants it open I'm closing this down. Enough. I personally don't like waitiing behind someone who didn't buy their pass, and also sometimes wonder if it wasn't enforced would they buy it on the way out? Who knows....who cares. That'll all be different when BLM stops selling them.
  8. You can say that again! :shocked2: We made it home just fine, and will be dropping it off today. It was good seeing you out at Dumont again. Sand~~Snake is the man! Thank you for all your help. Best quote of the day....from Jim while holding a vaccuum line: :shocked2: Now that's funny....and I don't know why. It was nice to meet some new folks and it's always good to see the familiar "suspects" again. We had a great trip and some epic dune runs also! Loved the smooth dunes and can't remember seeing so many strange formations out there....kinda cool! The rail performed well and I think after 3 years it might get powder or paint next summer. I missed the meet and greet.......again, but had to wait and see what happened to my son on his Baker ice-cream run. Will post some pics when we get the "camera-in-a-box" developed.
  9. That sucks Bob......It's good to hear he's ok though!
  10. I think she is serious about the fish heads.
  11. The strat is definetly downtown.
  12. That's I wonder if it would have been any different if he had these with him? No pain killer. :redhat:
  13. Smart choice. I would do my homework first. Find out everything you can, so you are better prepared.
  14. That was in the same area Steve is talking about.
  15. I hope whoever you find they will take the time, like you do, to offer all the free advice. Your parts store has saved my trip more than once, but the advice was priceless!
  16. :assrock: As usual your wisdom has helped me see the light. This is the one time more travel isn't desirable.
  17. Congrats Steve! I like the counters.
  18. <----keep your pimp hand strong!! :smoker: .....don't forget about mullets too! :assrock:
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