You can say that again! :shocked2: We made it home just fine, and will be dropping it off today. It was good seeing you out at Dumont again.
Sand~~Snake is the man! Thank you for all your help. Best quote of the day....from Jim while holding a vaccuum line:
Now that's funny....and I don't know why.
It was nice to meet some new folks and it's always good to see the familiar "suspects" again. We had a great trip and some epic dune runs also! Loved the smooth dunes and can't remember seeing so many strange formations out there....kinda cool! The rail performed well and I think after 3 years it might get powder or paint next summer.
I missed the meet and greet.......again, but had to wait and see what happened to my son on his Baker ice-cream run.
Will post some pics when we get the "camera-in-a-box" developed.