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Everything posted by SandBox_Kid

  1. Then I would have more than 3 in of travel!!
  2. Are you moving with the rest of the vendors, or will you be in your usual spot?
  3. That's ok Walt. We understand completely.
  4. "I wonder what the weather is going to be like." That has never stopped me yet. I can remember riding some epic dunes with my close friends just after the weather clears......
  5. That sucks about your stuff getting effed with. I'm glad they didn't get anything. Give me a call if you ever need help. I have a solution.
  6. Nevada is not a title state for OHV's.....yet. A bill of sale should be good. Do you live in NV?
  7. You've been burned twice by the same person. Don't put yourself in that situation again...and don't feel guilty about it. After all you did give them a second chance.
  8. So far so good. As long as they get along we'll keep her.
  9. He's got the ultimate hair helmet! :angry2:
  10. :angry2: That's a good one!! fyi - Vet gave her a clean bill of health and no chips to be found.
  11. Should be. I'm playing it by ! :angry2: This will be a little shakedown trip for the new steering.....
  12. I can see that being a mess.......even with the vendors. Should be interesting to say the least. :angry2:
  13. Yeah...that's the weird part. I even put a load on it after the puppy finding and it ran fine. I even tried to run the AC, stereo and micro to try and kill it (which usually does), and it kept on running.
  14. I don't know if you're the only one, but she couldn't have fit, and I keep it locked. I park the hauler close to a wall on the side of my house. She was between the hauler and the wall and the fumes probably would have killed her.
  15. We asked all of the neighbors....no luck. So far we have named her Angel, but I would like something dune related since that's how we found her. No tags. Vet in about an hour....so we'll see.
  16. You're damn skippy! Whether it's one or one hundred the reaction should be the same.
  17. So....this weekend the family was outside doing some last minute maintenance items for the kickoff weekend trip. Jon and I were setting the alignment on the rail and the wife was going through the trailer getting together a list of grocery items....... I am fairly religious about starting the generator at least every 4-5 weeks on the off season and today was no different. I decided to start it up and let it run for a little while, but for some stupid reason it wouldn't stay running. It would run for a few minutes and then just die. Sooooo I decided to mix an ice cold beverage before dealing with the generator when my wife comes running in yelling "we found a puppy!!" WARNING: CRAPPY CELL PHONE PICS AHEAD! The only problem is...... ....look at the difference in size!! I sure am glad the generator wouldn't keep on running, as it would have probably killed the puppy. The funny thing is it ran fine after we found the puppy.
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