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Everything posted by SandBox_Kid

  1. They are also called bath tubs.......
  2. He's definately got my vote....and has kept my ol skool rail running with parts. Sounds like there's a business opp for someone......
  3. That's where my group usually camps. I personally prefer to get closer....that's why I bought a 4x4..... No biggie. Anything is better than the spaghetti bowl that was created when they were in the old place.
  4. I bet they would if you had a warrant for evidence. That actually pisses me off more than the thief. It also makes me think they are "in" with the thieves....or else why would they protect them by withholding evidence. Fuggers!!! These are the times I hope for karma!
  5. I ran across this fire tornado these guys build for the burning man event.......
  6. That does suck...but it sounds like you'll be stylin' when you do make it!!
  7. I don't see a Pet Shop either.....
  8. Wassup with the building in purple?
  9. Was that someone's weekend going down the toilet?
  10. We missed Def Leppard!!! The first show I saw in this town was Def Leppard with Tesla opening 20 years ago!!! ..... and we just saw Tesla not too long ago!! Great cover album!! :wedgie: I don't think I've listened to Def Leppard since then though. Gotta check out the new Foo Fighters! Thanks for the heads up! Oh yeah....1st chair percussion!! ...and I still play once in a while when we setup my son's kit!
  11. Blues Brothers Whitesnake Sex Pistols Police Prince I wanna say Nickelback...but it looks like a Silver Dollar?
  12. Matchbox 20 Smashing Pumpkins Guns and Roses Led Zepplin Black Flag Rolling Stones White Zombie The Eagles Beach Boys Alice in Chains U2 Black Crowes
  13. I'm in. It's where I chose to spend my birthday and the family agrees!!! Read Don's quote again..... pass on NOT going......I'm passing on NOT going also.
  14. This is what happens to spammers around here!! I counldn't help it.....Pete hands and pose were perfect....
  15. Very nice. FYI - I removed the other two identical posts....and moved it to toyhauler/rv talk....
  16. Ok. I had to look that one up....because in my world Fedora is: Fedora (previously called Fedora Core) is a yum and RPM-based Linux distribution, developed by the community-supported Fedora Project and sponsored by Red Hat. It is a complete, general-purpose operating system that contains only free and open source software ... a fedora and some heaters (slang)!
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